Chapter Twenty

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Watching Kennedy lightly bang her forehead against her locker is amusing as all the times I've caught her doing it. I've realized that she does it when she's pissed or frustrated as a self soothing method. I usually place my hand over her forehead so she doesn't get too bruised up and let her use my palm until she feels better.

Today I don't do that and instead cover her eyes completely holding her head in place. "Guess who?"

She doesn't even jump or act surprised instead her body relaxes and she leans on my chest.


"What gave me away? I even tried to change my voice." I ask her.

I let her go and she turns around to face me.

"Your cologne." She answers.

"Is it too strong?" I inquire sniffing my hoodie.

"No it's the perfect amount but it's unique. We spend all day together so I'm familiar with your scent. You would be able to smell me too if I sneaked up on you." She explains.

"True, you always smell like flowers, fruits and a hint of paint." I comment with a grin.


"Yes though its very subtle. You are after all an artist." I reply.

"That I am, so what's up? Why were you sneaking up on me?"

"Oh yeah right. I have a surprise for you." I declare recalling why I was looking for her in the first place.

She smiles and looks excited like a kid who's been told she gets to open a present the night before Christmas morning. "Which is?"

"Actually we all do." I declare just in time to watch all our friends approach us.

Wesley picks her up and twirls her around for a moment before setting her down with his hand around her shoulders.

"Hi guys, good morning. What's this I hear about a surprise?" Kennedy asks looking up at Wesley.

"You've been at Pine View a whole month. Congratulations on making it." Wesley replies.

"Thanks..." She mumbles trailing off because it's such a random comment but he is right.

I can't believe that I've known Kennedy for a whole month. Our relationship has come so far and she has been an incredible friend, classmate and colleague at work.

"We also noticed that you haven't decorated your locker yet." Kristie adds.

"I've been meaning to get to it." She blushes tucking her hair behind her ear.

"We know so we decided to help. We all brought a sticker that reminds us of you to decorate your locker with." I explain to her.

She turns to me with a surprised look on her face. "What? Guys you didn't really have to."

"Yes we did. We didn't think you'd last this long. No offense, you looked like you were always looking for an escape route but you didn't. You stayed so we want to make your mark on Pine View a bit more permanent." Welsh expresses further.

"Correct analysis, that's so sweet of you guys, thank you." She smiles.

Seeing her smile was the whole reason why I arranged this in the first place. I've been asking her to decorate her locker from day one but she's never done it. So I took matters into my own hands and roped all our friends in to help. Once they heard what I had planned they were all in.

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