Chapter Two

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"Last first day you mofos. Who's excited?" Wesley cheers happily jumping on me.

I laugh shrugging him off but that only causes him to hold on tighter. "Apparently no one's as excited as you are." I reply.

"Of course I'm excited and you should be too. It's senior year, we are leaving this hell hole and onto a bigger and better world." He argues.

I look at Baron for help but he only shakes his head and turns to his locker to get his books.

I should be doing the same but my locker is across the hall, seemingly too far at the moment. I haven't seen my friends all summer so I'm choosing to spend these few minutes before class catching up with them.

"B tell Iz how excited he should be." Wesley declares.

"No one ever thought you'd make it to senior year Wes so I understand your excitement." Baron replies.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Wesley demands looking slightly offended.

Baron, ever a man of few words shrugs and let's Wesley fill in the gap for himself. Wesley doesn't like that so he puts Baron into a headlock and they start play fighting right there infront of me. I don't stop them because this happens at least twice a day and as long as they don't kill each other I'm okay with that.

The three of us have been best friends from the first day of freshman year when we tried out for the junior varsity basketball team and made the cut. We were scrawny looking twigs then but we've worked really hard to become the best players on the team with Baron and I as the co-captains. Wesley is the best player on the team but he didn't make captain because of his grades not that it matters to him anyway as long as he gets to play.

"Iz help me." Wesley begs when Baron twists his arm behind his back.

I laugh and step back to avoid being caught in the cross fire. I know they'll tire themselves out in a few minutes, all I have to do is wait.

Baron is the smart one of our trio and the shortest one standing at 5'11. He is the perfect blend of nerdy and sporty. He loves basketball as much as we do but he is not planning on playing it past high school. He wants to become a Neurosurgeon thus why his nose is always buried in a book unless we are on the court.

"That's my rib you jackass." Wesley cries out as he elbows Baron in the stomach.

Wesley on the other hand is the tallest motherfucker in school standing at 6'6 with a passion for basketball I've never seen on anyone else. He doesn't care about school much and only keeps his grades high enough to be allowed to keep playing. He plans to go pro beyond college football and I truly believe he'll make it.

I on the other hand - I'm the confused one. I love basketball and I have good grades but I don't know what I want to pursue as a career. I can go pro if I want to and I do love basketball but I'm not sure if it's something I want to do for the rest of my life. The good thing is that I have the whole of senior year to figure it out.

The warning bell rings and the boys let go of each other and shake hands. They're declaring a truce until lunch time when they shall continue this idiotic game of theirs. No one ever wins because where Wesley has the height, Baron has the size. I'm the perfect blend of the two standing at 6'3 with an athletic physique that I work really hard for.

"Let's get to class." I say as we pass by my locker to drop off the extra notebooks in my bag.

We have chemistry for first period, one of my favorite subjects. Perfect.

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