Chapter Twenty Two

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Concentrating in church after what I discovered about Kennedy yesterday proves difficult. Seeing her in that Rolls-Royce and finding out who she really is shook me to my core. She transformed from a simple girl who pinned her hair up with pencils and likes cookies and cream ice-cream to the richest heiress in New York. I knew that there were things she was hiding but this, I definitely didn't expect it to be this. She looked beautiful, there was no doubt about that but she was a completely different Kennedy from the one I associate with on a daily basis.

Besides the obvious questions, like why she was hiding who she really is, is why would the daughter of one the richest families in the world be studying in a school like Pine View. It's obvious they hadn't cut her off otherwise she wouldn't have been dining with them last night so why Pine View and not a fancy private school. Also, why is she working at Frosty dream? It's not like she needs the money. She already has plenty of that.

The thing that stumps me the most is that she doesn't act like she has enough wealth to end world hunger. She's so humble and down to earth, one wouldn't even suspect she comes from money let alone old ancient money. Sure there have been instances where her real self slipped out but we always laughed it off. Like her fancy packed lunches and how she was able to afford getting us all tickets to the zoo without batting an eye.

It's all so confusing and I'll make sure to ask all my questions when I see her later. She texted me earlier asking me to drop by her house so we can talk. Frosty Dream is closed for the weekend so neither of us are working. If we were, I probably wouldn't have found out that Kennedy is lowkey a princess.

The church service ends and I've barely heard a word that was preached because of the anticipation of what's coming. Mom being who she is, is stopped a few times by fellow congregants so I pick Cairo up and ask for the car keys from Parker so we can wait for them outside. My little monster is acting fussy when we get to the car so I give him a juice box and strap him into his car seat which calms him immediately.

Fortunately we don't have to wait long for mom and Parker which saves me a lot of overthinking. The sooner we leave, the better so I can have my questions answered.

"You okay baby, you've been distracted all morning." Mom asks turning to look at me from her position in the front seat.

I'm not surprised she's noticed because I have not been myself since yesterday. I can't tell her what's going on because I barely have answers myself so I go for the next best thing.

"Yes mom, I'm okay, the semester is picking up with midterms around the corner so I have a lot on my mind." I express.

I haven't lied but it's not the full truth either.

"You'll ace them as always but if it gets too much you can always take a break from work to concentrate on school." She advises.

I definitely won't do that, I've been managing school, work and basketball perfectly and that ain't gonna change.

I nod and smile back. "Yes mama."

The drive back into the city is short and before I realize it we are in Manhattan.

"Parker can you drop me off at 91st and Fifth." I request him.

"Sure, are you meeting a friend there?" He asks.

"Something like that." I mumble not knowing how to answer that question.

Kennedy is my friend or at least I hope she is and wasn't pretending to be one from the day that we met. There's a lot of uncertainty in our relationship that I'm hoping to clear up before the day ends.

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