Chapter Four

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I watch in fascination as Kennedy's red mop of hair disappears into the crowd. I know she's running away from me which is funny because it's not like I won't see her at school tomorrow. She does not have to worry about me chasing her, I have work in twenty minutes and my boss hates it when I am late.

Sliding my earphones in, I mingle with the crowd taking the all familiar path to work blasting music the whole way. I've been working at The Mayfair Hotel as a valet for the past two years. I like working there because of the flexible hours. They accomodate me because they know that I'm a student and they pay well. Plus I get to drive a lot of luxury cars. I have a driver's license but I don't have my own wheels yet. Owning your own car in New York is torture because of all the traffic but that doesn't seem to stop people. I am not complaining though, it keeps me busy and employed.

I use my key card and let myself into the building using the service entrance. The locker room is deserted so I quickly change into my uniform, pin my tag and head out front ready to fake smile for the next five hours.

"Baby boy finally graces us with his presence." My co-worker Gary grins when he sees me, patting my back in welcome.

I shove him playfully and he lifts his fist up as if to punch me but I dodge it pretty quickly. "Shut up Gary."

Gary has been working at The Mayfair longer than I have so he took me under his wing when I was hired. He's a father to three kids, two girls and one boy. Aurelia is eight, Julia is turning five in a few weeks and a three month old baby boy, Jordan. He works three jobs to support his family since his wife, Nell is a stay at home mom but I've never heard him complain even once. He adores his family and for that I respect him fully.

"I'm only messing with you. How was your first day back?" He asks letting me go and straightening my collar for me.

My mind immediately goes to thoughts of Kennedy and her enticing pale blue eyes. I thought most red heads have green eyes but then again nothing about Kennedy is ordinary.

"Interesting." I reply summing it up.

"Word. What was so interesting about it?" Gary asks looking at me curiously.

A certain red haired beauty.

But I cannot tell Gary that, he will read too much into it and ask far too many questions.

"It was my first last day of high school, of course it was bound to be interesting." I say brushing him off.

Gary snorts unimpressed by my answer. "Such a vague answer. I was looking forward to something more exciting happening to you."

Something exciting did happen, I just can't talk about it.

"Dinner rush is about to start, are you ready?" I ask him diverting the discussion to a safer topic.

"I'm always ready, you know me." Gary nods just as a bright red Lamborghini pulls up.

"Dibs." I call out before Gary can say anything.

"Have at it kid." He relents chuckling at my antics.

"Sweet." I clap excitedly getting into work mode.

Five hours pass by quickly because I like hanging out with Gary, listening to him talk about his family and all the mischief the girls are getting into. We also talk about cars, a lot, in between driving them to and from parking. It's not all sunshine and rainbows though because some guests are rude and sometimes racist but I've learnt to brush them off and move on. There's no need holding onto a grudge with someone who is of no consequence to me.

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