Chapter 38 - "How Nicely I Treat You"

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I got home at a quarter to seven. Before changing into more comfortable clothes, I boiled some water to start cooking the pasta. I dashed quickly to the bedroom and put on loungewear, tidying up before heading downstairs.

Turning on the exhaust fan, I started preparing dinner. Absently minded, my mind played my day like a record.

I had a pleasant day at work. I was already feeling comfortable in my second week, I liked my coworkers and they helped me out when I wasn't sure how to solve a problem. It wasn't the most exciting job in the world, but those moments where I was challenged made the day go by faster.

All I did was sit by my computer, schedule meetings, check and organise documents, serve as the primary point of contact for clients, manage phone calls, welcome qnd escort visitors. However, as Jay pointed out, I was no ordinary assistant, I was special because of my relationship to him. For that reason, he took every chance he got to ask for my help. He got me out of the reception desk and gave me the chance to move up to the other floors, something the other girls were quite jealous of. The more visibility you got from the higher ups, the higher the chances you had of being promoted to become a private assistant to one or more lawyers, which in turn gave you higher pay and got you working in a much nicer, much more secluded and prestigious area of the Lockhart building.

Jay made it clear that we weren't to advertise our relationship in a way that made us look unprofessional, but I could sense that all his coworkers already knew about us. I saw the way they exchanged looks when I walked past them to get to Jay's office, but their looks were never ill intentioned. I think they liked my presence and found me agreeable. They always made small talk with me and seemed genuinely interested in my onboarding process at the law firm.

"If the girls downstairs give you any trouble, stand your ground," said Mr Harries on my first week. He was in his early thirties, but you could already see the contrast of his incoming white hairs on his dark skin. "And if it escalates you can always come upstairs."

I didn't manage to say all this to Alison during coffee because the conversation shifted to the holidays. She looked really tired and hadn't put much effort into her outfit or appearance, a drastic contract compared to me. I felt sorry for her at first until she made those comments about Jay and our relationship.

Why did she assume that Jay wasn't supportive of me? He told me from the beginning that working as a barista was a job below my capabilities and I agreed with him, so in that regard I think he was actually quite supportive in showing me the right way career wise.

As for her comment about Jay wanting control, it baffled me where she got that idea, and it honestly made me uncomfortable. Who does she think she is to share such a strong and wrong opinion?

What's worse, how dare she tells me that I shouldn't feel pressured to live with Jay? And she told me this after I told her about him spending Christmas with my family. Our relationship was as serious as could be and yet she had the nerve to kindly remind me that I could walk away? In what world was that okay to say to a friend?

I heard the lock mechanism of the front door. Jay had arrived.

"Hey Maddie!" He said from the entrance. "Oh that smells delicious!"

As usual, Jay set down his suitcase and took off his blazer. He walked over to the kitchen to inspect what we'd eat tonight.

"Oh, spaghetti and meatballs. Nice," he said, licking his lips. "I was really craving something like that."

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