Chapter 17 - Lazy

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My head felt like it was going to explode. I woke up to the terrible feeling of my head throbbing, my throat as dry as sand, and the disgusting scent of alcohol on my skin. I was so tired I could barely move, as if I had a block of cement on top of me. I could tell the curtains were completely open, making the sun shine through unmercifully, hurting my eyes. I groaned, expressing my discomfort. Why the hell did I think it was a good idea to drink so much?

That was when I noticed it: I wasn't sleeping on my side of the bed.

"What the hell...?" I mumbled, squinting my eyes as I tried to put the pieces together of last night. I looked to my right only to find Chris passed out sleeping on my side of the bed, mouth wide open, still with his clothes on, belt included.

I reached out to him, touching him softly on the side of his ribs.

"Chris..." I called. "What happened?"

He didn't reply, fast asleep. I pushed his body a little, my head still pounding, to get him to wake up.

"Chris," I whined, using both my hands now, my eyes closed shut. "What happened?"

He took a deep breath, bringing his hands to his eyes instinctively to protect himself from the light. He groaned in pain, moving his body ever so slightly.

"Hm?" He managed to say. He finally opened his eyes, looking around him equally as confused as me. "Why am I dressed?"

Like a worm, I wiggled my body until my face was glued to the side of his chest, trying to escape from the light.

"It was the whiskey," I mumbled against his shirt. "My head hurts. I feel sick."

Chris wrapped his arm over my head and patted my back.

"We're not teenagers anymore," he said. "We can't handle booze like we used to."

I moaned, frustrated at my own body for not cooperating with me.

Chris chuckled, rubbing my back now. "It's okay baby. Good thing it's Sunday and we can recover."

"I don't think Sunday is enough," I pouted. "Ow, my throat hurts."

Chris kissed my forehead and sighed deeply. He lifted his torso, adjusting his eyes to the light before getting up.

"Don't move," he said, rubbing his head. "I'll be right back."

I closed my eyes for a few seconds and unintentionally fell back asleep. I don't know how much time went by, only that I woke up by Chris' warm lips on my cheek. He didn't smell very well, but I didn't care. I probably smelt worse than him.

"Tea," he whispered, setting it on the bedside table. "Eat this before taking the ibuprofen."

Chris rested a bowl of dry cereal next to my face and climbed back to bed. I forced myself to open my eyes and eat what he had brought me. I only noticed then that Chris had gotten rid of his clothes from last night, covering his naked body with the blanket.

He reached underneath the bed and retrieved two pillows, placing one behind his head so he could be elevated and throwing the other without care on top of my head.

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