Chapter 2 - Massage

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I leaned against the shower wall as Chris scrubbed my back to get the paint off. I was so tired I closed my eyes, feeling the sponge rubbing against my skin.

I winced when Chris pressed the sponge in the center of my back, between my shoulder blades. He pulled the sponge back as I jerked away.

"Was it that painful?" He asked softly.

I hummed, remembering how my arms snapped when Chris kicked the stool from under me.

"I'm sorry baby," he said, applying the sponge to my skin with lighter pressure. "But you have to admit, it was fucking breathtaking."

I snorted, amazed at how depraved his mind could be sometimes.

"The next one hanging from the rope is you. Let's see if you find it fucking breathtaking then."

He turned me around to face him. His lips were curled up mischievously "If you manage to pull me up, why not?"

He knew I wasn't strong enough to physically hold him up like he held me. However, given his playful mood, I decided to tease him.

"Challenge accepted. We can name this painting Sub Ali and the next one Sub Chris."

Chris laughed as he rubbed the sponge on my belly, applying more shower gel to my skin. He kissed my forehead tenderly. "You have such adorable ideas... Keep dreaming."

I pouted, giving him a playful shove. He smiled, not taking me seriously.

"Speaking of dreaming, you need to rest. Let's get you ready for bed."

Chris stepped out of the steamy shower and wrapped a towel around his waist after drying his chest and hair. I followed suit when he opened up a towel for me. He wrapped it around my body as he hugged me. I pulled my arms out of the towel to hug him back as he squeezed the water out of my hair with a smaller towel.

With my cheek against his warm chest, I closed my eyes and rested.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Chris asked when I held on for a little too long.

I gave him a squeezed. "I had such an overwhelming week... I'm so tired."

Having a senior level position at Art Press was taking its toll on me. My days consisted of solving problems, being strict with my subordinates about deadlines and goals, managing interpersonal relationships with other department leaders, maintaining a clear line of communication with the headquarters in Paris, dealing with incompetence and mistakes... I just needed to forget about those problems and give my body and mind time to recover to fight it all over again on Monday.

"Ali, you should have told me you were this tired. We could have postponed the painting for another weekend."

I shook my head against his chest. "Nonsense. You were dreaming about this night for weeks. I didn't want to let you down."

He sighed, his voice tinged with annoyance. "You sound as if I would've been mad at you for saying no. You know I only care about your well-being."

I pulled my head away from his chest and looked into his eyes. "I loved it tonight, you know I did. It was... Different, bold, daring. I loved seeing you go to that dark place, how you made me feel scared one second and safe in the next... The way you make me feel is indescribable."

Paint Me, Professor - The Sequel | Student-Professor Erotic Novel | 18+Where stories live. Discover now