Chapter 8 - Easy

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Chris kept eyeing me the whole night, sending me secret messages through his looks. Our guests probably mistook them for simple loving glances, but I knew what Chris was trying to tell me.

Do it. Tell them.

We had agreed previously that night that I'd be the one to tell Maddie and David we were getting married. I wanted to be the one to do it and Chris respected my decision. However, as the evening progressed and I didn't announce the big news, Chris got quieter and quieter, undoubtedly wondering why I was hesitating.

The truth was I didn't know. As I looked at my friends from across the table, both already a little tipsy from the wine, laughing and having fun, I didn't want to ruin the moment with a shocking revelation.

There were moments, however, where I almost said it, where I almost put out into the world that I would marry my former professor, but courage failed me. I looked at Chris and he looked at me, and all I could hope for was that he was understanding what I was telling him through my eyes.

At around a quarter past midnight, my friends decided it was time to go. As I walked them to the door, I knew it was now or never. As my friends put on their light jackets by the door, I gulped and glanced at Chris once.

"Guys, before you go, there's something I need to tell you," I announced. David and Maddie looked at me, their inquisitive eyes studying my face. Chris, who was standing beside me, crossed his arms over his chest, bracing himself for the bombastic news.

"So, what I want to tell you is that... Uhm..."

As I struggled to get the words out, I knew my behavior was looking pretty bizarre. They were probably asking themselves why I looked so nervous and flustered.

"Yes?" Asked Maddie, lifting one eyebrow.

I froze. I couldn't do it, I wasn't ready.

"Next time we're having dinner at one of your houses," I blurted out instead. "We'll be waiting for an invitation."

Chris uncrossed his arms, letting them fall on his side. I didn't dare look into his eyes. To avoid seeing his reaction, I hugged my friends goodbye and stood by the door until they were taken away by the elevator.

Once the door of the apartment was closed, the silence that settled between us was nerve-wracking. I instantly went to the kitchen and pretended to be busy.

"What was that all about Ali?" Chris asked in a non-threatening tone. "I thought the whole point of tonight was for you to tell them about the engagement."

I made myself look busy by folding the tablecloth.

"Oh, I must have forgotten," I replied, not knowing what else to say.

He leaned against the kitchen island, observing me in silence. After a few seconds, he spoke up.

"It's not easy, is it?"

I kept my head low. "What do you mean?"

"Telling people, breaking the news... No one knew about us and now all of a sudden we're getting married apparently out of nowhere... It's very jarring..."

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