Chapter 6 - Jay

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I heard a honk outside, a clear signal from David that he had arrived. Initially when I came to live with my boyfriend, I didn't like the idea of living on the ground floor, but I soon learned to appreciate its perks such as hearing friends when they had arrived.

I picked up my jacket and fetched the dessert I had made to take to Ali's house.

Well, Professor Damon's house, I should say.

"Hey, text me when you get there?"

I turned around carefully as I carried the cake out of the kitchen. My boyfriend, Jay, was leaning against the doorframe, not giving me space to walk out. His frame towered over me, so I had to tilt my head back to look at him.

"Of course," I replied, pecking his lips. He brushed my cheek with his knuckles, careful not to smudge my makeup.

"Don't come home too late. I'll be waiting up for you."

I smiled at the ground, his protective side melting me.

"I won't, I promise."

He moved to the side to let me through. "I'll walk you outside."

It had only been a few weeks since I moved in with him so this was all new to me. I found his actions towards me chivalrous and showed he really cared about me.

Even though we hadn't been dating for that long, Jay convinced me to leave my shared apartment I was paying a fortune for. I was hesitant at first, unsure if we were moving too quickly in the relationship. In the end, his arguments made perfect sense and I gave in. He lived alone in a two-bedroom detached house with a porch and a garden and a driveway. It made no sense to continue in that dingy apartment when he was giving me all this on a silver platter.

Jay told me he had bought the house a few months before we met. He saved up enough money to not even need a mortgage. He had a high-paying job at a law firm an hour away from town, so it didn't surprise me he was able to afford such a property at just 29 years of age.

Jay placed his hand on my shoulder as we walked across the lawn to David's car. I gave him one last kiss on the cheek before walking around the car to take the passenger's seat.

"Hey David!" Jay greeted as David rolled the window down to greet him. "Nice to see you!"

"Nice to see you too Jay," he replied, his usual beaming smile putting me at ease. This was going to be a heck of a night. "You really don't wanna join us? We're gonna need all the help we can get to get through this evening."

He laughed handsomely, running his fingers through his blonde hair. "Nah, I'll pass. Having dinner at a teacher's house is not my definition of fun."

David and I laughed nervously. I told Jay everything about the dinner and he really didn't want to be in my shoes. This was going to be so awkward.

"I think it'll be great," said David, turning on the engine. "I'm sure Ali is gonna make us feel at ease."

"Hope so," said Jay. "She was the one who put you both in this situation, she better fix it."

The three of us laughed again. I hadn't introduced Jay to Ali yet since she was always super busy at Art Press, but from my extensive descriptions of her, he practically knew her already.

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