Chapter 21 - Five

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My fondest memory in my teaching career is also my most reckless. I remembered how long it took to plan it, how much work I put into having the project approved, how much persuading I had to do. Even before I knew the outcome of my surprise, I was sure it would be an unforgettable gift for Ali, so I was motivated every step of the way. Finally, when the day came to announce the trip to Paris, I felt like a God: all-knowing, pulling strings and manipulating the system, fooling Ali and keeping it a secret from her, and having the absolute pleasure of feeling that release of adrenaline once I announced the big surprise.

I look back at this time fondly even though I was pretty reckless. The consequence of being in love is feeling a tad bit invincible, I guess, but little did I know I would be feeling all of this again, just one hundred times stronger.

Announcing a trip to Paris didn't even come close to proposing to Ali, but at the beginning of the day that's how I thought I'd feel. After all, the emotions, the plan, the deception, were all elements present when I planned the school trip to Paris, so I assumed I'd feel the same at the end: triumphant, ecstatic, happy beyond comprehension.

Oh, how naive of me to think that. How delusional of me to think that I'd feel the same.

The car drive back home after the proposal was a haze. I don't remember getting on the road, I don't remember shifting gears or stopping on stop signs. It was as if a thick cloud of emotions surrounded me and I couldn't think straight. I was so consumed with emotions I don't even remember saying anything at all, only that I had to get home fast, that I had to kiss Ali fast, that I had to let those feelings out fast or else I'd combust. I knew this weird amnesia was the adrenaline subsiding, but part of me wondered if this could be explained by the love I felt for her, so strong in that moment that it didn't allow anything else to capture my attention.

When I parked the car in the building garage I jumped out, slamming my door shut. Ali did the same, and as I walked towards her, we immediately pounced on each other. She pushed me against the car doors, kissing me with intense urgency.

"The elevator," I managed to say in a breath, pushing my body and hers off the car.

"Hm hm," she replied, walking backwards as I guided us towards it. With our mouths still together, we both reached for the button, neither able to contain the excitement of getting to the apartment. We leaned against the elevador doors until they opened and we stumbled inside. I smashed the button to close the doors, and as soon as they did my hands moved to Ali's thighs under her dress and pulled her up.

"Here?" She asked as soon as her legs wrapped around me. Honestly, I could have clicked on the emergency stop button and take her right then and there, but I knew there was more to this lust than just a physical need. We needed a whole bed and the privacy of our home to express the full extent of our emotions.

I didn't reply and simply walked us out once the doors opened on our floor. I turned towards the door of the apartment but realized I was going the wrong way, towards our neighbors'. Ali laughed when I corrected the course, but I shut her right up when I pushed her against the wooden door and kissed her again. I searched for the keys in my pocket with one hand while I supported Ali with the other. My senses were so overwhelmed that it took me a few tries to get the key into the keyhole.

When we got inside, Ali wiggled her body, indicating she wanted me to put her down. I closed the door with my foot and held her even tighter.

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