Chapter 9 - The Bardot's

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As the weeks went by, it was no time until August came, and with it our trip to New York so I could finally meet Ali's parents. It was a daunting prospect but also a very energizing, exciting one. If everything went as planned, I had a secret mission up my sleeve that Ali didn't know about, so I was feeling extra excited.

After our drunken night of pleasure, I kept Ali in the dark about the ring. She also didn't ask me about it again, so my guess was that she thought I had already bought it and was patiently waiting for me to surprise her with the proposal.

She'd be in shock if I told her I hadn't bought it yet on purpose.

The truth was I was waiting to meet her parents before I got anywhere near a jewelry shop. I wanted to ask them if there was a family jewel that they wanted to pass down. I wasn't sure if that was something that was done in Ali's culture, so I just wanted to check before making such a big decision. On top of that, it was paramount that we got their approval, so maybe if I told them that I hadn't bought a ring yet when I met them in New York they'd think I was responsible and serious about marrying their daughter, moving in slowly, not making rash decisions.

Ali and I rehearsed several times how we'd break the news. We'd do it by the end of dinner after that initial awkwardness went away, once we knew each other a little better. If we showed confidence and unity I was certain the night would go alright. Besides, I had spoken to Ali's mother once many years ago so she knew how much I loved her daughter. I wasn't sure if she was aware that the guy she'd meet on Saturday was the same guy she had spoken to when Ali decided to accept the internship, but hopefully she'd connect the dots.

We packed our bags to stay in New York for five days. We couldn't stay the full week because I'd start lessons on Monday and needed the weekend to organize my office at Evergreen and the class materials for the new school year. Even though Ali's childhood room had a double bed we could share, we decided it was best to book a hotel room to show respect. After all, if I were Ali's parents I wouldn't feel entirely comfortable having a stranger sleeping under my roof, much less in the same bed as my daughter.

"Baby steps," Ali said to me when we were looking for somewhere to stay. "Let's not scare them right from the get go."

I was dreading the airplane ride to New York, but the five hours went by in a breeze. We flew on an exact model of the plane that took us to Paris when Ali was my student, so only naturally it brought back a lot of memories, especially the one where we snuck to the claustrophobic toilet.

"Hey," I whispered to Ali as we took our seats next to each other. "Do you wanna check if the toilet is as tiny as we remember?"

She smirked. "Wanna get into a competition with the airplane to see which one takes off first? I could help you win."

I folded my hands over my lap, trying not get hard by her simple insinuation. I got closer to her hear so no other passenger could hear us.

"You and your comebacks... You're a loaded gun Miss Bardot."

She clicked her seatbelt, finding a comfortable position on her seat. "Guess we're both ready to shoot then."

Our liveliness died down the second we landed as anxiety started to settle in. We left the airport and headed to the hotel with two hours to spare before having to go to Ali's childhood home, an apartment in Upper East Side. I was so nervous I decided to take a shower so I could look my best. Ali was a little more relaxed than me, but as the clock ticked away, I could sense her jitteriness grow.

She put on the pearl necklace I gave her as we both stood in front of the mirror. I adjusted my suit, tucking my crisp shirt in.

"Ready?" She asked, dousing herself in lilac perfume.

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