Chapter 29 - Evergreen

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I gulped as I scanned the street up and down, looking back to Art Press's lobby to make eye contact with the security guard inside. I looked down at my phone, seeing the miniature Uber car move slowly down the street in the app. I took deep breaths, reminding myself that Chris would love the surprise.

Or maybe he wouldn't, my mind kept reminding me. I tried switching off that little voice in my head, but it was extremely difficult. To make it worse, I couldn't text Chris for reassurance since the whole point was him not knowing I was on my way to Evergreen to have lunch with him.

I knew this was risky. Even though we were very secure in our relationship, we were both still hesitant in how we were going to break the news to Evergreen's society, to our old professors, to Chris' coworkers.

Well, today was the day.

We didn't have to stay in the premises if he didn't want to. We could have lunch somewhere else and keep a modest distance while inside the building. No need for flashy displays of affection inside a learning institution. Problem solved.

The Uber pulled over to the side of the road. It was a big step for me getting inside a stranger's car, but my motivation to make Chris happy was stronger than my fear.

Luckily for me, Evergreen was just a short ten minute drive away from Art Press since there was less traffic during lunch time. I clutched my phone the whole time, forcing myself to make small talk with the driver. This was a tip my therapist gave me in order to feel less anxious around strange men. If I established some sort of connection, statistically it would be less likely that they'd want to harm me and I'd also see that they weren't intimidating by seeing their true nature.

Soon enough, the Uber parked by Evergreen's door. I thanked the driver and bolted towards the entrance stairs.

The main building was warm, making me take off a few layers. I looked up at the tall ceiling, the marble floor of the entrance hall, and felt at home. I remembered the times I spent with my friends, the long hours in the art studios, the hours upon hours of lessons, the moments I doubted myself and my abilities.

And Dr Damon.

I smiled as I walked down the corridor to the amphitheater Chris was lecturing in. I had a copy of his teaching schedule so I knew when not to call him and it came extremely handy today to know in which room he as in. I glanced at my watch to check how much time I had left before the lesson ended. He'd be out in five minutes.

I took leisurely strides until I got to the right door. I knew not to walk in as I'd disrupt the whole lesson, so I waited until someone opened the door and students started pouring out, eager for lunch. I leaned on a wall across from a wide window facing the gardens. Even though it was cold, it was rather sunny.

I let my thoughts be carried away to the days I admired Dr Damon as he walked in that exact corridor, how impressive his suits looked to me, how he commanded respect as he passed by. I remembered our first kiss in that amphitheater and the secret glances we'd give each other throughout the day just to make sure what we were both feeling was real.

The door opened suddenly. Out walked a boy with a skater under his arm, a wide white hoodie hiding his frame. I moved to the side so I could see Chris as he packed his stuff at the desk. He still did it the exact same way, eyes down, suitcase wide open, back straight. He looked damn sexy all serious like that, but I knew that for most students he seemed a little intimidating.

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