Chapter 26 - Perspective

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I bit my lip and cleaned the dampness in my hands as I waited for Maddie to arrive. The barista at the coffee shop approached me to take my order, but I told him I was waiting for someone. He smiled at me, and for a few seconds I forgot what I was actually doing there.

I looked out the window for reassurance. Chris was parked a few feet away from the coffee shop. We agreed he'd wait until Maddie arrived to make sure she was coming alone and then he'd leave. I just wanted him close by for reassurance, but I knew I couldn't rely on him forever. It was just Maddie after all, and once Chris and I both knew I was safe, I couldn't have him there as a clutch.

I had to learn how to deal with this anxiety on my own. I wouldn't allow James to make me miserable. This had to stop.

Those were the words I repeated in my head as Maddie walked inside the coffee shop. As my insides contracted in anxiety at the sight of her, I forced my muscles to relax the best I could.

She came alone Ali, relax!

We greeted each other with a hug. Maddie held me tightly, squeezing my shoulders. She was really happy to see me.

"Ali! How have you been?" She asked, taking a seat in front of me. I discreetly took out my phone and texted Chris he could leave.

"You know me, busy as always," I said, locking my phone but setting it on the table. "I'm sorry I was so distant... Work had really been challenging. We have a lot of new people who need training on top of my responsibilities... It's been a lot."

I was proud of my convincing lie. I didn't want Maddie to suspect anything.

"No need to apologise," she reassured me. "I sometimes forget that you're working and I text a lot... I'm sorry if I bothered you."

I could see the sadness in her eyes, or at least I was projecting it onto her. I was the one who hurt her by ignoring her on purpose and yet she was apologising. What a fucked up situation.

We changed subject with the interjection of the barista taking our order. As he walked away, I fidgeted with my fingers under the table. I was nervous as hell to even mention James, but I had to.

"Glad I finally met Jay," I said, remembering to use this fake name. Disgusting. "How are you guys doing?"

I forced myself to smile as Maddie talked about him and their relationship. I pretended that what I was hearing was exciting and something good for her. Everything she was telling me gave me no reason to think he was manipulating her, but maybe she was keeping all those indicators a secret from me.

Or maybe, like the old me, she hadn't noticed them yet.

"What about his work?" I asked innocently. "I never asked you where his practice is."

"Uhm, he works at Lockhart," she explained. "He's a defense attorney so he works many many hours. He sometimes brings work home so we are never too long apart though."

Alarm bells immediately sounded in my head. A defense attorney? I wasn't very knowledgeable on the requirements for being a defense lawyer, but I sure as hell knew having no criminal record was a must. How the hell did he get a license in the first place? What's more, how twisted was it that he chose to study defense law in the first place? Did he want to defend criminals like himself?

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