Chapter 37 - Office

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I didn't expect how much Chris and I were dreading coming back to the US. Only when the jet lag hit us, when the house became quiet with only the two of us in it, when the responsibilities of our jobs demanded so time away from each other did we realize how wonderful our holidays in France with my family really were.

We came back to the stress, to the anxiety of our responsibilities, to the hustle and bustle of the hectic city. Even though we were gone a little over a week, so much had happened during the holidays that we expected that things were a little different when we returned, but everything was as we left it.

Now that it was January, Chris was entering the dreadful exams week. It was an extremely demanding week for him in terms of workload. As for me at Art Press, the first issue set the tone for the rest of the year, so everything needed to be perfect, which demanded a lot from me, too.

This routine was taking a toll on us. We only saw each other at dinner time when we were so exhausted we barely shared how our day had been, and I absolutely hated it. I knew it wouldn't be for long, but I missed that feeling we had when we were in my Grandma's house, that feeling of living life slowly, of focusing on what was truly important.

One afternoon in between meetings I decided to call Chris.

"Hey baby," he greeted. "How's it going?"

"Same as usual. We are having a few miscommunication problems with Art Press France. Nothing we can't fix though. And how are you doing?"

"Could be better, not gonna lie," he vented. "I had to supervise an exam in the morning, and now just a couple days before the Art History exam the students just keep coming in with questions. I can't send them away but I also need to grade exams for my other courses. I hate this. Oh, and Mr Turner is pressuring me to write a paper with him. Apparently there's going to be this conference or whatever and he wants to submit a paper... The timing isn't great."

I clicked my tongue. "I'm sorry Chris. It's gonna be over soon. Are you having dinner at home tonight?"

"At this rate I don't think so. I'll probably buy a sandwich from the cafeteria and stay til late. Is that okay?"

I sighed. "It's fine. I also don't know when I'll be free to leave the office."

I heard Chris talk to someone but couldn't make out what he said.

"I have to go now Ali. I'll call you later, alright?"

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you too."

We hung up the call, feeling like our conversation was cut short. My assistant came in my room with a few files I had asked her to fetch for me, distracting me from my emotions.

As I scanned through the files, my personal phone started ringing. I was surprised to read Maddie's name and picked it up instantly.

"Hey Maddie! How's it going?" I asked animatedly. I hadn't spoken to her since December.

"Hi Ali!" She said, matching my energy. "I'm doing great, thanks! Listen, I just walked past Art Press and I wondered if you wanted to come down and grab a bite."

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