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The next morning, my thoughts are blurry.

It was around 7:50 that I laid foot on the Press property - since Mrs Press lend me a car, a cute Fiat 500 all white, I had access to the garden's parking, right in front of the main entrance of their manor. Nobody was there, as the older women of the family were already to work. I know Mrs Press was in one of the surrounding cities today in order to close a deal, while only Becky, myself and Mallory would be there today.

When I make it to the kitchen, I hear a few laughs, and when I enter I am surprised to see that the laugh came from Becky's throat. She and Mallory were sitting in the kitchen, with a huge breakfast all set, obviously waiting for me. Frowning - I did not expect them to make today a special day because of what happened to my father yesterday - I just stand there, surprised.

I then realise a third person is there, cooking eggs and pancakes, laughing with them: she has long, blonde hair with bright blue eyes and, although her teeth are not perfectly aligned, she really was pretty because she seemed to have character. She was dressed in sports clothes, but somehow it suited her. I immediately saw the ressemblance with Becky.

The latter welcomes me by getting up as soon as she realised I am here, before saying:

"Hi, Abigail. Please, come and sit with us, my daughter Rachel made us a majestic breakfast."

"Oy, mate!" the blonde salutes me with a thick, northern British accent.

Mallory also smiles at me.

"Abby, may I hug you please?" she blankly asks, her face lightened up by a smile.

Surprised and not used to this kind of contact with people, I nevertheless say:

"O-of course."

And when I get close to her, getting on my knees in order to be above her, she wraps her arms around me and squeezes softly, honestly, from the heart. We remain in that position for a few seconds, and I have to control my tears because I can feel they are on the verge of falling from my eyes.

Once Mallory lets me go, I try to remain composed, while sitting in front of Becky and the empty chair that Rachel would later occupy. The conversation started while Rachel would put the pancakes and eggs on the table and sit down:

"I had no idea you had a daughter, Becky" I honestly say, raising my eyebrows.

She smirks.

"Well, when I was younger, maybe 20 or 21, I met this British boy who promised me the world, and thought he was the love of my life. Only, when I was pregnant with my first child, he was killed by the organised crime group he belonged to, so I had to raise Rachel on my own. Then, after high school, she left for England in order to pursue her British heritage, and has been living there ever since." 

"But I had to come back for my old ma' at some point, ain't I right?" Rachel settles, laughing her ass off afterwards.

Becky rolls her eyes, but in her eyes I can see the love she has for her daughter and how happy she was to have her back.

Nodding my head, I ask:

"Why did you come back now?" 

Rachel's eyes immediately become colder, and I can tell I put my finger on an opened wound. 

Nevertheless, she answers: 

"Well, 'got my heart broken by some bitch, that's why - no reason for me to stay anymore."

"What she doesn't tell you is that her childhood lover lives in this city" Becky adds, trying to make the mood lighter. While Rachel stares at her coldly but smirking at the same time, she adds: "She wouldn't only come for me."

"Ma, 'told you I didn't come back for her - she must've forgotten me after all these years, or maybe found somebody already" Rachel says, before staring at me and adding: "If you want my advice, girl's ain't worth it."

"Well, that's a good thing I'm not into girls then" I joke.

"Well, boys ain't worth it either" Rachel continues.

"I am not interested in either: I hate people, I don't trust them." I admit, smirking. 

This time, Rachel bursts into laughter, before staring at me mom and pointing her finger at me, saying:

"I LOVE her, she's just GREAT"

Mal and Becky burst into laughter, as we keep on joking about Rachel and her messy love life. After a few minutes, I realise there is a shadow near the door, making herself unseen, maybe because she doesn't want to be seen, or maybe because she wouldn't want to disturb this nice mood that has been established. 

But those haunting green eyes catch my attention.

Becky, who has realised I wasn't smiling anymore, follows my eyes and realises that one of her 'master' is there. Surprised, she also loses her smile and gets up all at once, walking toward the girl.

Immediately, she states:

"Sorry, Miss Press, we did not know you were present today, I though you had classes-" Becky stammers, trying to keep her composure.

Christen cracks a smile:

"Do not apologise for laughing in this house - more people should get used to that." she says, before her eyes look around the room, to finally land on me for a few seconds, before she turns her attention back at Becky and explains: "My teacher caught COVID, so we were warned not to go to class while I was already on my way. Do you mind if I join you?"

As she points to the breakfast, Becky immediately nods.

"Of course, m'mam. Please, sit!"

Christen thanks her silently, before walking toward the table. While the only vacant seat was right in front of me, she sits there, and I can tell her eyes are searching mine. But this time, I do not respond: I don't want her to believe I cared about her just a little. 

Mallory smiles.

"Well, I for one am glad you're there, Chris" she states, as her older sister warmly smiles at her, right after winking at her. "Maybe we could finally do this walk with the horses we have been wanting to do for so long?"

"Of course, baby girl" Christen says, smiling at her, before turning toward me and saying: "Depends if your helper is keen on riding horses and coming with us, since she is not allowed to leave you out of her sight?"

I can sense how she is trying to get to me, to softly tackle me, to catch my attention - she is playing a game I might as well play, but it might be too risky, especially given to the fact that I am supposed to find out the flaws of her family in order to bring it down.

Nevertheless, as all eyes are on me now, I stare right into hers and only say:

"The helper was national champion of riding in 2012, so she will manage to accompany you."

Rachel laughs again, staring at me as if I was doing a one-woman show of some sort. 

Christen seems satisfied.

"Perfect, then."

The rest of breakfast went smoothly: Rachel and Mallory opened up a little bit more, while Becky and Christen would also take part of those conversations. I, on the other hand, would only listen and observe: and my main observation is that the sisterly love between Mallory and Christen was a very rare bond I did not expect to find in such family - and maybe the only bond worth saving.

This whole time, I would unconsciously subtly stare at Christen, without really knowing why I could not take my eyes off her...

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