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"She is going to make it, but for now she needs some rest. You should go home and sleep a little bit."

Those were the doctor's words, about six hours ago this morning. As for now, we were just at Christen's place, in her huge and luxurious apartment downtown Orange. When we got there, she immediately collapsed into my arms on the couch, and hasn't woken up yet. Until now.

I carefully put a lock of her hair behind her ears, as her head is relying on my legs. She softly groans, before her eyes start opening up a little bit. Her greenish eyes immediately are on me, and she realises the position she's in.

It would've been awkward, if it wasn't for all that we've been through those past months: to be honest, I was feeling like everything happened too fast, and that we'd gone through the worse already. Sometimes it scared me, especially since we haven't officially said anything about our relationship status - but I knew what I was getting myself into when I fell in love with someone like Christen Press.

And the smile on her lips at that very moment makes everything worth it. 

"Oh, hi" she softly says in a sleepy voice. Frowning, she then asks: "What time is it ? Did I fall asleep?"

"You've been out for a few hours, yes" I confirm, cracking a smile. 

She seems surprised, as she usually barely sleeps with all the responsibilities she now has - indeed, she is at the head of Press Corporation now, and she is trying to transform it into a cultural association and get it free from drugs and murders. But now that her sister was involved with the Patriarch, I know it has been complicated for her.

After a while, she sits down, her face between her hands. 

"Shit, I'm sorry." she then says, very serious.

I raise my eyebrow.

"For what?" I ask, truly confused.

She stares at me for a while, before something changes in her eyes.

Slowly, her mouth slightly opens, as her breathing become faster and deeper. She very smoothly leans in, as her hand reaches for my jaw, caressing it softly. Her sweet smell invades my nose, as her lips are so close to mine.

Before they touch, she just whispers:

"I think I am in love with you, Abigail."

My heart seems to explode, as her eyes are locked into mine. I shiver, as the pressure of her fingers on my arm gets stronger. 

Before I can answer anything, she softly crashes her lips onto mine. 

Our lips and tongues caress each other for a while, as a fuzzy and undescribable feeling takes over my whole body. She soon deepens the kiss, her hands now reaching out for my collar bone and my neck, caressing it slowly, going down on my breast.

After a few seconds, she leans back, taking a good look at me. 

"You think?" I ask, wanting to be sure. 

She cracks a genuine smile, before relying her forehead on mine. 

"I love you, Abby" Christen then confidentially admits, staring right into my eyes while saying it. Trying to control my violent urge to kiss her and rip her clothes off, I just listen to what she says next: "A few things are stable in my life right now, but all I know is that I need you in it otherwise I am unhappy. I want us to be together, only if you want us to."

She abruptly stops, because she can sense the answer in my eyes already. But, just in case, I still declare:

"And I love you, Christen - although you scare the life outta me."

"I scare you?" the dark-haired asks, truly surprised. 

Starting to blush, I just shyly explain myself:

"I mean... Yes. I always wondered what it would be like to feel this connected to someone, to be so afraid that I might lose them forever that I would actually get anxious at night. I never felt this way about anyone, Christen. Not even my family, not even my friends, not my sisters. You are so different than anybody else in my life, and sometimes I have a hard time figuring things out and knowing what we are exactly. And that scares me."

As soon as my sentence is over, Christen carefully grabs my hands strongly, with confidence and assurance. Her green eyes are wet, as her smile was speaking instead of her mouth.

She smirks, before announcing: 

"You don't need to be scared anymore: there is nobody else but you, Abby, and that forever. I'm fully yours, and I don't care who know it anymore."

Without leaving me any time to respond, she kisses me again.

But this burst of happiness is soon interrupted by a knock on the door. Christen immediately goes to open, winking. After carefully staring to see who was waiting outside, she opens the locks and the door all at once, as my sister Sam enters the room. She seems tired, like the rest of us, but quite stressed. 

After a while, she catches her breath and says:

"Sorry to disturb you guys" and, turning toward me, she quickly adds: "The doctor called: Mal is awake and well, but they put her in isolation while waiting for the police."

"The police?" Christen asks, confused.

Sam nods.

"They found Becky's body this morning, and since Agent Krieger was a witness she had to come clean and explain to her crew what happened."

"What about Kristie ? I mean, she and Alex were the ones that shot Becky to protect Mallory..." I immediately ask, feeling the ground disappearing under my feet. 

"Krieger took care of them: she, Alex and the Dragons were ruled out innocent." Sam explains, trying to make me feel better.

But Christen still was anxious.

"Is my sister in trouble ?" she insists, grabbing my hand because it was somewhat comforting to her it seems. 

"I don't think so: Krieger claimed that Mallory was a victim of blackmail from the Patriarch, so they only want to question her, and then you'll be able to see her. She will be fine, Christen."

A sigh of relief accompanies this declaration.

"Thank you, Sam" the dark-haired lets out, visibly feeling better already, as a weight is lifted off her shoulder. 

My sister nods, before walking out of the apartment, waiting for us in the car.

Today is an important day: before she gets to see her younger daughter, Christen needed to make a public statement that would change the course of things in the great town of Orange.

But first, she was planning on kissing me wildly, until we were actually late and got dressed in a rush, before leaving.

My smile, on the other hand, wasn't able to leave my lips. 

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