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I roll my eyes at Sam.

As we agreed to meet Christen, Abby, Shelina, Alex and Lia here - long story short: Lia's family had emigrated generations ago in California, and they were linked with the Dragons because the gang saved their lives, so Lia had a favour to grant to the Dragons, aka to me - I start laughing quietly at my sister.

Ever since Shelina had come into the room, Sam has been tensed, staring everywhere but at the Canadian, who seemed confused. I know my sister: she only does that when she really likes someone and that she is too scared to go for it (maybe it runs through the Mewis' blood, who knows?), and right know the signals that is is giving out at exactly those. Truth was that most people here now saw them kissing each other on the dance floor the night of the gala, and I know for a fact that they haven't seen each other since.

Staring at my sister, catching her attention, I just whisper:

"Maybe you should talk to her, no?"

Sam stares at me with her eyes wide open.

"How did you-" she starts, but I don't let her finish:

"Samantha, I saw you guys kiss the other night - and honestly, who cares?"

"I care" my younger sister insists, looking around so that nobody else is listening. She can sense Shelina's dagger eyes on her, as she continues: "I've never done anything like that with a girl, and I am scared..."

I smirk.

"Welcome to the world of the gays" I sarcastically let out, laughing softly. As Sam blushes, looking away dramatically, I add: "Trust me, people will have things to criticise even if you date a basic heterosexual cisgender white boy, so you might as well be with the person you're in love with... 'Cause you're in love with her, right?"

"I don't know!" Sam exclaims, before staring in Shelina's direction. In the meantime, the Canadian had looked away, as my sister says: "I mean... I guess, but I don't know if I'm ready..."

"If you're taking too long, she will think that you don't care and she will move on, and you'll be sorry" a voice says behind us. I turn around and see Alex, her arms crossed against her chest, as she continues: "Trust me, people who are hesitating for too long are a no-go."

Of course she wasn't talking about Shelina.

Her clear and intense blue eyes were staring right through my soul it seems: I haven't seen her since last week, when I found out the new sheriff was her ex-girlfriend and probably was in town to get back with her. My reaction was uncontrollable, and even I couldn't begin to understand it any more than Alex could, I think. But I know myself: my huge contradictory spirit was stronger than anything I could feel, therefore I had a big tendency to screw human relationships up, especially when I really like someone (which is rare).

Feeling the unbearable tension, Sam nods, before walking toward Christen and Abby, who were sitting on the coach, their fingers intertwined, looking cute and shit. Alex stares at me coldly, setting her jaw.

"Care to explain what that reaction was all about last week ?" she bluntly asks, visibly angry.

Her beautiful face was contracted with frustration, as her eyes were throwing daggers at me. 

"None of your business" I only say, sarcastically raising my eyebrow. Of course that would make her even more mad, so I add: "No offense."

Alex rolls her eyes.

"You are unbelievable."

"I know, thanks" I let out, unfazed.

"You're the one criticising your sister for not sharing her feelings with Shel, when in reality you're no better, if not worse" Alex bluntly says, staring right into my eyes. I feel my knees get weaker, but don't show anything, as the brunette continues: "You're just pathetic, Kristie."

Before I can fire something back at her, the door opens and Lia enters, followed by Jill and Lucy, who were assigned to escort her from the main entrance of the manor to the room we all currently are in. The short brunette seems quite stressed, and it is understandable: she just got to Orange, and she already is involved with us in some way, while also working for the new sheriff we all hate. 

After a brief moment, I advance toward her, before saying:

"So, you're the Wälti girl" I start, before smirking. Of course I would take any opportunity I have to get back at Alex, so I openly add: "Nobody told me you were that gorgeous."

Lia blushes, as I can feel Alex's annoyed yet jealous stare on me. Christen herself rolls her eyes, before getting up and walking past me, rolling her eyes at me. Quite amused, I sit down on the couch next to Sam and Abby, leaving the talking to Christen, since she's so good at it.

The dark-haired doesn't waste her time:

"Listen, Lia, we don't have anything against you: if we manage to work together, then this partnership will be over before you realise."

The brunette nods.

"What do you expect from me?" Lia asks, confused.

"It's quite simple, actually:" Christen indicates, smirking, "we just need someone inside the police lines, since Ali Krieger is not longer there."

"My condolences, by the way" the brunette shyly says.

"Oh, no need" I let out, amused, "that bitch ain't dead."

Confused, the Swiss girl just throws me a very lost look, before turning her attention toward Christen again, who is staring at me with frustration. But, hell, she is dating my sister so now she has to accept me for the annoying sister-in-law that I am. 

Either way, Christen takes the times to explain:

"Agent Krieger has gone back to Washington to undergo intense health care after getting shot, and she won't be back for a month or so: but she charged us with the ongoing investigation on who The Patriarch is. Therefore, we need your help: as a legist doctor and forensics girl, you know everything there is to know about the investigation - and if you don't help us, then the Dragons will take pleasure in hurting your beloved sheriff."

"No need to get to that" Lia immediately says, her voice shaking, "I'll help."

"Amazing" I comment, smirking, "now, why don't you tell us what you know this far?"

Lia nods, before saying:

"The eyeless man was working for the O'Hara family, and we believe that their daughter Kelley might be linked with The Patriarch, but so far we're lacking evidences."

"Alright" Christen concludes, nodding her head slowly, "then I expect you to report back to us every now and then, while keeping the sheriff in the dark regarding our secret partnership. Does that work for you?"

"Yes" Lia confirms, not having much choice.

As we start leaving, Christen walks toward Sam and Shelina, before saying:

"Guys, I'll need your computer science expertise: Alex found an USB-card on the ground at the exact spot from where the body dropped, and I highly believe that it's connected to whoever The Patriarch is."

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