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As usual, I like to ask your opinion about the story, since you guys are the reason I write it! So if you could please take a feww secondes out of your time to answer it, I would be very grateful and maybe I could please you more.

Who do you think the Patriarch is?
(please share your wildest theories so that I can see where you guys think this story is headed ehe + I like to share and exchange with you.)

Who is your favorite character?

Who is your favorite ship (official, non official or desired)?

What do you think of the story so far?

If you could add one character (whoever from the woso world), who would it be?

What is a storyline you'd want to explore?

Thanks for your participation and for everything, I am working very hard so that this story keeps up with the beginning, and I have a ton of ideas so you're not done with me just now.

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