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Everything seems to take a whole new turn, as pictures from Stacey, Channing and Tyler Press are on the local news, and the TV presenter says:

"This morning, the most shocking piece of news was rendered to public knowledge by the FBI: Orange County legend and mostly owner Stacey Press, leader of Press Corporation, was found dead in her office as well as two of her daughters, only days after allegedly modifying her will. Gunshots are the cause of all three deaths, as two remaining daughters - Christen and Mallory Press - are yet to issue a statement. This event marks the fifth of its kind in the past few months, as family man Cody Press passed two months ago. The FBI is set to continue the ongoing investigation..."

I turn the TV off, as our apartment's door opens.

Ever since last night, when Christen showed up covered in her family's blood, we knew something big happened and needed to be handled. Abby welcomed her in her room, as the Latina was in a state of utter shock. This morning, Kristie and Alex went out to investigate on who could be the possible killer - they asked their fellow Dragons friends who are in the know - without any new lead, while Ali Krieger was named primary detective for the Press case, and spent her whole night and morning in the police station, promising to stay in touch with us. In the meantime, Shelina nicely proposed to go and get Mallory, since Christen was too worried to even sleep. 

When I softly knock at Abby's door and open the door slowly, I can see that Christen finally fell asleep, surrounded by Abby's arms, her head relying on my sister's neck. The blonde nods her head slowly, and I understand that I am not to disturb them. 

Once I am back to the living room, I see Kristie and Alex, who are either making phone calls or researching things about the investigation. I silently sit down next to them and, when the apartment's door open, I suddenly feel anxious: Mallory and Shelina enter, and the younger girl seems beyond sad and in shock. Quite immediately, Kristie and Alex volunteer to install her in Kristie's bedroom so that she could rest until Christen wakes up, which leaves Shelina and I alone.

The brunette seems utterly tired, and as soon as the other people are out of the living room, she heavily sits down on the couch, sighing and holding her stomach. I soon understand that her pregnancy is causing her pain - either the baby is kicking or she has belly/back pain - and that she isn't feeling well at all.

As I carefully sit down next to her, not able to help myself from worrying about her, I softly ask:

"Are you okay?"

Frowning and turning her head toward me - obviously, she has every right to be surprised since I haven't properly talked to her in weeks - she nods.

"Yes, don't worry."

Her cold answer feels like a slap against my whole body at the same time.

You're so fucking stupid, I think to myself, restraining myself from getting all sentimental and shit, you're the one acting like that toward her for months just because you don't know how to deal with your emotions

Sighing, I try to make amends for my behaviour:

"Listen" I carefully say, choosing my words wisely, "I know I've been a jerk to you lately, and I feel like I need to explain to you why-"

"No need" she coldly concedes, staring at her hand. When her eyes look up at me again, they feel like daggers cutting through my heart, as she continues in the same tone: "I get it, and I have been a fool to believe that we were friends in the first place. Now, all that matters to me is her (she points at her stomach), and we only need to be civil until this shit is all over, because as soon as it is the case, I am moving back to Canada."

The news is like a hammer on my head.

As I am about to open my mouth again, I close it at once: Kristie and Alex are back, while Mallory runs into Abby's room, probably into Christen's arms. Abby, on the other hand, closes the door on her way out, leaving some privacy to the sisters. 

Kristie greets her with a smirk. 

"Things seem to go smoothly between you and Christen" she lets out, and while Abby slightly blushes, she adds: "All right, I'll stop... for now. But, just so you know, I kinda like her."

Abby shakes her head, but she is smiling. 

On my part, I try my best not to cross Shelina's cold eyes, and just hug Abby quickly to symbolise my support. I then sit down next to her, as Alex is making us some coffee. I then join her, as Shelina and Kristie start talking about how the trip from Kelley O'Hara's manor went with Mallory.

I grab a cup on my way, and hand it to Alex: the woman seems extremely tired and sad, which seems normal given she has lost many friends those past weeks. She shyly smiles at me, before smirking.

"I take it you two haven't figured out your shit yet?" she shamelessly asks, and as I am starting to get angry at Kristie for opening her mouth again, she immediately adds: "I mean, don't be mad at your sister: she doesn't seem like it, but she really worries about you."

I roll my eyes.

"This bitch is lucky I love her" I just say, but avoid Alex's question. After a few seconds, as we both watch our coffees being poured down, I then ask: "What about you? Are you adjusting to my sister? I know she can be a real pain in the ass sometimes - well, quite often..."

She laughs.

"Shockingly enough, yes" she then says, dramatically nodding her head. As we both laugh, she then continues: "I mean, I found a true ally in her, which sometimes is unsettling."

"What do you mean?" I ask, frowning.

"Well" Alex lets out, visibly annoyed, "my boyfriend, Servando, who is also a member of the Dragons, is kind of jealous of my friendship with Kristie."

"How come?"

"I don't know, honestly: he's just insecure, I guess, and since Kristie is very pretty, he just feels threatened since we spend much time together."

"How could he not?" a voice says behind us. When we turn around and see Kristie, my annoying sister just smirks: "We are so fab together, honey."

Alex rolls her eyes.

"Here comes the oversized ego again" the brunette jokes, as she and Kristie start arguing while laughing.

I frown: I kind of understand Servando, as those two's chemistry seems to be quite strong.

But, as for now, there were more important matters in hand: we needed to discuss what comes next now, since Christen and Mallory are the last survivors of the Press family, and that Christen was crowned queen of Press Corporation, placing her as the new number one enemy. 

And I know something for a fact: nothing can happen to her, because Abby would be devastated - and ever me and Kristie, since we have grown to love our sister's love interest. We need to stick together and protect each other, I think to myself, staring mainly at Shelina.  

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