Chapter 33 - Graduation

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*one day later* 

The next day, I actually went to school, and brought my grades up a bit. I still had an abundance of homework I had no intention of doing, but at least I was going to graduate. I invited everyone from the group over to meet Asher, as well, which made really only Celine happy. 

I got home from school with Corey to see her already there, baby in arms and chatting with my mother. I dropped my shit on the floor by my shoes and greeted her with, "The fuck are you here so early? You were supposed to come at five." 

Celine turned to me and smiled sweetly. "I really wanted to see your little brother. I love babies!" 

"Of course you do," I retorted, turning to Corey to roll my eyes playfully. 

"Why's he here then if we're all coming later?" Celine questioned, nodding towards him with because her hands were full. 

"He drove me home," I replied. I fully turned towards Corey and pecked him on the lips before he could say anything. "And I like to kiss him without the entirety of our friend group watching." 

When I turned back to face her, Celine's jaw was practically on the floor. She squealed at the highest pitch possible as a grin took over her face. "Are you guys, like, a thing now?" 

"Absolutely not," I said, nodding a goodbye to my mother as she went up the stairs, leaving her child with my friends and I. 

Celine raised her eyebrows suspiciously and looked to Corey for confirmation. I also turned to see what he would say. He sputtered, "Uh, yeah, what she said. Our first date's on Saturday, though, just an FYI." 

She squeaked once more before shoving Asher into my arms and whipping out her phone. I stared at the calm child grumpily for a moment as I heard Celine calling someone. "You can come over right now! Bring the rest of the group too, okay babe? Corey and Aveline have an announcement to make!!" 

"Oh hell no," I muttered, passing Asher to Corey like Celine had done to me. I snatched the phone out of her hand and started yelling into it, "Caden, I know this is you! We have no declaration to make and you don't need to come early!" 

"See you in ten, Aveline," I heard him say over the speaker before he hung up. I swore under my breath and handed Celine her cell back. Looking over to the couch, I saw that Corey was seated on it, muttering something to Asher. 

I walked over there, taking a seat next to him to see what was up. Celine mimicked my actions and sat down beside me. Leaning against Corey's shoulder, I whispered, "Whatcha doin', Cunty?" 

"I'm hanging out with your brother, clearly. He's much nicer than you," He remarked, removing his gaze from the baby to look at me. "He has the same eyes as you." 

I scoffed. "No he doesn't. He has Ashton's eyes." 

"I guess Ashton had pretty eyes, then. I never really looked at them. I know they're like yours though," Corey said, a small smile shining on his face. I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion. Glancing at Celine, I responded by speaking my mind. 

"That made no sense." 

He simply chuckled at me as my front door was opened. In walked Hazel, Samantha, Caden, and Ryder. "Aye! Ever heard of knocking?" I called out, for several of my friends to laugh. 

Celine stood up, grinning. She stepped onto the cushions of my couch in order to be taller than everyone there, before opening her mouth and shouting, "Aveline and Corey are dating!" 

Shocked faces were plastered on the newcomers into my home, as well as an angry look on mine. "I can confirm that that is NOT true!" I responded, equally as loud. Everyone in the room were exchanging knowing looks. 

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