Chapter 28 - Spiked Punch

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*one day later*

Celine, Hazel, Samantha, and I were all crowded in Celine's bedroom as she did our makeup. At least, Sam and Hazel's, seeing as I wouldn't allow her to go near my face with her crazy colorful palette.

We were all in our dresses, hair done mediocre. I'd slapped on a thick layer of eyeliner to go along with my usual mascara, considering it was senior prom and I felt the need to get remotely dressed up. Caden and Ryder drove Celine, Sam, and Hazel an hour before prom started to go to Celine's apparent favorite photo shoot place. Corey arrived just on time, like he always did, and we headed out together behind Caden's car.

On the way there, I started up some small talk, saying, "Yo Corey, my little black dress matches your little black car."

Corey took his eyes off the road for a quick moment to gaze down my body before chuckling and continuing to drive. "Might be too little," He remarked jokingly, clapping a firm hand on my exposed thigh. He took it off almost immediately, returning to the steering wheel nervously. "I forgot, 'hands off'." He made air quotes and I began laughing.

"I wasn't serious when I said that," I informed him slyly, wondering what his reaction would be. His baby blues widened slightly and he raised his eyebrows questioningly. "I'm not serious when I say most things."

"Were you serious when you said I don't need to try to look hot?" He asked, parking in a small lot next to Caden when we arrived.

I scoffed, mumbling as I got out of his car. "Shut up." That seemed to cause him to be even more smug as he wrapped a sly arm around my waist and led us to the rest of our friends. Celine was talking quickly to who I assumed to be her hired photographer by a small clump of trees and a pond.

"You guys are all taking this way too seriously," I muttered several times during the picture taking process. I purposely did my 'I'm dead inside' smile the entire time.

Soon enough, we were on our way to the school, at six pm on a Saturday. Upon arriving, Corey made sure to drive slow enough that we were far behind the rest of our friends. Of course, they didn't wait for us to go inside, which was perfect. Corey opened his back door and whipped out a fresh bottle of vodka, causing me to shine him two thumbs up.

We snuck it in Corey's black suit jacket, getting inside the cafeteria where the dance was too easily. I walked over to the prepubescent freshman guy who's job it was to guard the punch. All I had to do was pull the two sides of the top of my dress apart and show him just enough tit to distract the guy for Corey to be able to pour it in.

"How is the punch, by the way?" I questioned sweetly, folding my arms in a way that shoved my chest up. The creep's mouth was agape, and so was Corey's when I noticed him staring after he finished. "Cunty! Stop checking me out and get rid of that!" I shouted, referring to the empty bottle in his grip.

He made his way around the table and grabbed my hand to sneak me out of the room. A 'locked' door in the corner of the room lead to a deserted hallway where we were free to cackle and shove the bottle in a rando's locker. I got it open using my killer kicking skills.

We returned to the dance, where nearly everyone in my grade was crowded under flashing colored lights and shitty pop music was blasted. The DJ, an over-the-top sophomore, picked up some random microphone and began talking to the crowd.

"Let's take it down a bit, guys, for a slooooow dance!" He shouted, causing several in the crowd to cheer (including Celine, who I could see only a few people away from me). It seemed as if everyone in the group was split up with their dates.

"Christ," I muttered, facing Corey. "I need a drink, come on."

I held his hand and laced our fingers together to drag Corey towards the familiar table, where we could finally talk without having to scream. Corey poured himself a glass, as did I, before speaking, "You're dancing with me the next slow song."

"Was that a proposition or an announcement?" I questioned before taking a sip. Corey simply smiled at me while we finished the spiked punch from our plastic cups. The freshy came to flirt with me again, only for me to shoo him off. "Not today, little boy."

"You're kinda mean," Corey taunted, pouring himself a second glass. I chuckled at him and wiggled my eyebrows. A new song started and all of the previously over-excited couples left the dancing area to eat. Of course, it was another slow one, but there were thankfully less people there. As promised, Corey put a swift hand on my waist and led me out.

I awkwardly put my arms around his neck, as he put his hands on my hips. I pulled him closer, we weren't fucking middle schoolers after all. We swayed weirdly for a bit before I really noticed Corey's discomfort. He kept gulping and glancing down, so I obviously addressed it.

"What's wrong?" I asked bluntly. He glanced at my chest, squeezing my hips lightly and clearing his throat.

"You never fixed your top," He said loudly over the music, looking away in embarrassment. I looked down confused before remembering what I did in order to spike the punch. A smirk took over my face and I took my hands off Corey t adjust my dress. My hands returned to their original position and I pulled him just a bit closer.

Leaning up, I muttered in his ear so that I didn't have to yell, "I did that on purpose. Didn't you know my intentions of tonight were to seduce you and then take you back to my place?"

"Oh really?"

"Why else would I agree to go with you ?" I joked. We both laughed and continued our awkward dancing. Corey cleared his throat and leaned forward like I had done earlier. I could feel his hot breath by my neck as he said, "Can we actually go to your house after this? I don't want to deal with Celery... I mean I did steal his vodka."

I laughed loudly and nodded, before speaking up again. "Can we just go now? The only difference between here and there is that here I have to shout and strangely sway with you." Corey hesitated, loosening his hold on my hips until I gripped one and started pulling him away. "That wasn't a question. Let's go."

He chuckle and I continued to lead him out to his own car.


I was woken up to the sound of the tv blaring some crime show loudly. Corey was cuddled up with me on my living room couch, body draped across mine, head resting on my chest. One of my hands was nestled deeply in his brown locks and the other was resting on his back. I reached for the remote, trying not to disturb the sleeping boy.

Turning off the show, which we had watching for 'inspiration' for June. Corey mumbled something under his breath, and I checked his peaceful face to make sure he was still in slumber. Suddenly, a voice rang out in the darkness, saying, "Oh, you're awake."

I looked over to the stairs to see my mother walking down them. "No shit," I muttered, shifting positions the slightest bit. Corey grumbled once again, which forced a small smile to my face.

"He's a nice boy," My mom said, taking a seat on the chair next to me. "I like him. Anyway, though, why I'm down here is because I wanted to talk to you about what's going to happen after the baby is born."

"Oh, Mom, please no-"

"I think you should just know the plan," She interrupted me. Corey moved his head on my chest, facing the back of the couch instead of the tv. My hand started nervously playing with his hair, which I could feel a smile come onto his face at. I knew he was awake. "It's going ot get Ashton's old room."


"I already brought all the stuff in there to the attic. Your father is going to be working even more to support us, and you might need to get a job as well."

"Fuck no," I exclaimed quietly. "Not my fault you got knocked up." My mother gave me a stern look as I muttered, "Probably not even Dad's kid."

I knew she heard it, and Corey's breath quickened against my slightly exposed skin. She gave me an even more stern look before angrily standing up. "I'm due in a week. You will help with this baby, Aveline. Get your boyfriend here to come over if it's such a task. None of that goth Samantha girl."

My mother went up the stairs slowly, and once she disappeared I muttered under my breath once again, "She's not a goth, she's just gay." Corey chuckled lightly and I smirked, lowering my chin to place a quick peck to the top of his head. I couldn't find a reason for doing that, but neither of us really cared.

I reached for the remote once again, turning the stupid crime show on.

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