Chapter 21 - Roast Battle 3.0

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June left her friends in a pack as she slowly approached me. I finally noticed that Samantha wasn't with us when everyone in my friend group collectively backed away. I was left facing June head on.

"Everyone knows now. There's no hiding your insecurities, Aveline," She taunted, not understanding that I didn't give a fuck.

"June, you've been a bitch your entire life," I began, starting up our third roast battle. "Why not take a day off?"

People had started to gather at the sound of the drama. All anyone wanted was to be entertained, and I guaranteed that most of then would forget that that ever happened by fourth hour. June retorted lamely, "Can't you see that you're the bitch here?"

I scoffed. "I'm not the one exposing people's secret out of jealousy. What I can't see is why, I just can't get my head as far up my ass as you."

A few people snickered, only to be shut up with a glare from June. Somehow she struck them with fear, for a reason I couldn't fathom. "My head is not up my ass!" She screeched pathetically.

"Is that all you got?" I mocked. I looked over my shoulder before gesturing to Corey to come towards me. He shuffled forward, a very confused look on his face. "Because Corey here has something great to say." He turned his attention from June to me in a panic. "Compare us in bed," I muttered, remembering way back to when he was talking trash about June in the sheets.

Corey nodded nervously, despite having never slept with me. "Uh, June, remember that one time we fucked, but we never did it again?" June sucked in a harsh breath and stared at him angrily. "It's because you were trash in bed. The only way you'll ever get laid is if you crawl up a chicken's ass and wait."

The crowd chortled at that, mainly because Corey was still the second hottest guy in school, and a fan favorite. "Well just the fact that you slept with me in the first place should give me bragging rights," June responded in her annoyingly high pitched voice.

"June, we did it nearly every day. It seemed like Corey was addicted. You definitely aren't the one here who deserves bragging rights," I smirked, placing a protective hand on Corey's chest. His heartbeat started racing, and I could feel it on my palm.

"Oh, go fuck yourself, Aveline," She yelled. June flipped me off and then at the laughing crowd. Everyone could finally see how pathetic she was.

"I'd say the same to you, but that would be a cruel and unusual punishment."

"At least I'm not on antidepressants," She spewed. I couldn't figure out how she new that, because I had only started taking them after Ashton's death, but I ignored it and used her retort for a comeback.

"Well, people like you are the reason I take them."

"I bet Corey does-"

Corey cut her off, thankfully. I was getting tired of hearing her voice. "June, I just had a revelation," He muttered. He started taking steps towards her, so I slipped my hand off his chest. Once he was standing directly in front of her, he said quietly, but loud enough that everyone could still hear, "You look like your mom let you try your first bottle of beer through your umbilical chord."

I burst out laughing at that, and so did the entire crowd. Corey chuckled and retreated to stand next to me again. I was bent over, red faced, listening to June sniffle quietly as everyone else cackled. The only one remaining silent was Julia (even the wannabe popular girls were giggling). "You're a fucking genius," I said through my dying laughter. Corey slung his arm over my shoulders and we stood and laughed together.

"You're such an ass for cheating on me, I can't believe everyone in this school likes you," June cried out. She stomped her foot like a toddler and put on a pouty face. Corey and I laughed a bit more at that, before I took a deep breath to reply.

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