Chapter 30 - Good Bye Jacob

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*two day later*

My mother had been released from the hospital a day prior, and ever since then things were hell at home. The baby kept screeching, my parents were fighting, and Corey had been busy and couldn't come over to help me. Worst of all, my mother told me I couldn't leave the house so I could help with Asher. 

The Saturday after he was born, I was left alone with the little devil while my dad was doing something work related and my mom was running errands. He wouldn't stop whining, so I obviously called Corey for the fourth time to save me. At last, he picked up. 

"What do you need?" He greeted, once again in his morning voice. The catch was, it was 2 pm. 

"Get your ass over here, Cunty," I demanded, filling him in on the horrifying details of the kid torturing me. 

"I just woke up, I can't be there in less than 20," He groaned. I heard him shuffling around on the other end, most likely getting up like I'd told him to. 

"Like hell you can't," I muttered, sighing deeply as the baby started crying again. He was two days old and all he did was eat and sleep, what was his problem? "Get here in ten or I'll..." I trailed off, trying to think of something to blackmail him with. "Just come over, dammit!" 

Corey audibly chuckled, before agreeing and hanging up. Sure enough, he had arrived ten minutes later. I opened the door and almost immediately shoved the screaming child into his arms. 

"Put this fucking thing to sleep," I cried, gripping Corey's shoulder and dragging him up the stairs to Ashton's old bedroom. I still hadn't gone inside of it, I refused to after my mother put up all the baby decorations. "He sleeps for like an hour, tops, and then fucking wakes up screeching again! He won't give us a damn break." 

Corey nodded sweetly, murmuring, "Watch your language around him." I scoffed and he just smiled, gazing at me in the strangest way. He was carrying the small child in such a way that he had a hand free, which Corey soothingly ran through my hair. "I got this."

Once again, he kept his word. No more than 15 minutes later, he exited Asher's room with a smug smile on his face. "That guy's pretty cute, and he kinda looks like you." 

"He looks like a wet rat," I replied with a snort, starting my walk back down the stairs. "Now, tell me how you put literal satan into a slumber." 

Corey shrugged and plopped onto the couch, which I mimicked. He then faced me and I knew what was coming. "Are you alright?" 

I nodded quickly, before scoffing again. Truly, I wasn't, at all, but I'd pushed all negative emotions so far down that they were practically nonexistent. "Totally, not bothered at all by my parents endlessly fighting and naming their new son after my dead brother and basically replacing him and giving the kid Ash's old room and my fucking father saying that he was a disappointment because of his fucking breathing problems that he couldn't control and I think I'm going to explode with fury!!" I shouted, speaking calmly at first but getting more and more riled up with each word. 

My face was hot, and tears began dripping from my eyes. I blinked through them, to see Corey's concerned face. "Come here," He uttered, so quiet that I could barely hear him. I scooted closer to him on the couch, crying even harder. He wrapped his arms around my shaking body, and i began to sob onto his shoulder. 

"How are you so nice to me," I whimpered in between tearful breaths. "I'm such a bitch." 

"No, you aren-"

"Hell yes I am," I pulled out of his hold the slightest bit, looking deeply into Corey's big blue eyes. So many emotions were swimming in them that I couldn't pick out the most prominent one. "You can't deny it." 

"You're actually sweet," Corey said, softly smiling at me. "You care about people a ton, even though you act you don't, and just stuff like that. Besides, when you're happy," He took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment, as if remembering a time from 'back in the day'. "Your eyes get this color of green to them. It's the prettiest thing and it happens in the most perfect moments." 

My tears had dried on my face, and everything in me felt like it was glowing. I reached up and cupped his face with both hands, observing his seemingly perfect features. All my emotions were swirling around, mixing together with anger and sadness and anything you could think of. 

And then my front door busted open. My parents stormed in, screaming at each other so loudly that Asher started crying upstairs. I stood up from the couch, but received no acknowledgement as they continued their shouting match. 

"I got a goddamn promotion, shouldn't you be thanking me for taking care of your fucking kids!" My father screamed, slamming his phone onto the counter loudly. 

"They're your kids too!" My mom responded, somehow even louder. 

"Not my fault you got knocked up! And since you're an ungrateful whore, I'm not going to feed your children anymore! Have a nice life, Patricia, I hope I never see you again!" He boomed before practically sprinting up the stairs. 

The three of us were left in silent shock. Ashe continued crying, but no one went to get him. Another moment passed before I too shouted at my mother. "What the fuck is happening?" And when she didn't answer and instead stared at the floor, I screamed louder. "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING!?" 

Tears were trickling down my mother's cheeks, as she mumbled out, "He's leaving." I raised my eyebrows and yelled for further information, to which she only responded with, "He's going to leave us." 

I choked on my spit and started crying again as well, taking a seat next to Corey again in shock. At that moment, my father walked back down down the stairs, a suitcase in either hand. He traveled quickly to the front door, snatching his phone off the table and lightly pushing my mother out of the way. 

And then Corey snapped. 

He began hollering horrible things at my father, rising from the couch and storming over to him at the speed of light. My dad murmured something unintelligible before Corey formed a fist and punch him directly in the stomach. My father doubled over, coughing as Corey punched him again in the face. 

My dad responded, trying to hit Corey, who slammed his foot into his ribs. Corey yanked my front door open, kicking my dad once again. He grabbed his shoulder and practically threw him down our front steps. He then chucked my dad's suitcases at him and shouted, "You fucking asshole! You'll never have your fucking family back!! YOU DON'T DESERVE THEM!!" 

And then he slammed the door shut and locked it. 

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