Chapter 3 - Full On War

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Corey helped drag my sobbing, bloody, mess of a self accross the parking lot into his car. "Hey, uh, what's your address? I need to bring you home." He sweetly asked.

I replied shakily with my address, adding a few more tears as well. They weren't sad or joyous tears, though. I was angry crying. That little bitch used me for my money in a toxic friendship and started ditching me and then had the audacity to insult me about it. I fucking hated June Winston.

Corey drove me home in his little black car and helped me sob my way inside. The second he used my key to unlock my front door and I stumbled in, Ash came up to my sobbing mess to help me into the kitchen. His hair was a wreck and his eyes had bags under them but he was still concerned and worried about me.

Ashton and Corey worked together to sit me on the countertop. That is where I cried and cried while Ash cleaned up June's blood and Corey checked me for other injuries.

"I-she-she only g-got in a m-measly slap a-and a hair tu-tug," I hiccuped at them, trying to tell Corey I was injury free. Ashton patted my leg and led Corey to the living room, where I could still hear their conversation.

"What happened to my baby sister?" Ashton interogated Corey.

"Calm down, buddy. Her and June got in a fight where June slapped her and then Aveline got in a few good punches and a kick. Don't worry, though, my friend Caden and I stopped it," Corey replied calmly. He turned his head and smirked at me. Ashton's nurse, Mandy, was rubbing my back as she watched him to make sure he didn't leave.

"Th-thank you Corey for actually being a decent person for once," I laughed. He was still looking at me and chuckled. I had finally stopped crying, but my eyes and cheeks were still tear-stained.

After a few giggles, there was an awkward silence throughout the room. Ashton smiled dashingly at me and sat down on the couch to continue studying. Corey cleared his throat, seemingly nervous, before speaking.

"Well, uh, I should go... I got homework," He rushed handing me back my house key. I looked at him, confused.

"You actually do your homework?" I questioned, hopping off the counter. "Cause I know I don't."

Corey let out a chuckle and ran a hand through my hair, which soothed my scalp because of the tugs it had gotten from June earlier that day. Corey opened his mouth to say something, but instead sent me a small half-smile, half-smirk. Corey turned around and opened my front door. Just as he stepped through the door frame, I spoke.

"Corey, wait."

He turned over his shoulder with a cocky smirk, like he was expecting something. "Yeah?"

"Thanks for breaking her heart," I grinned and slammed the door in his face.


*one day later*

"PLEASE just come over. My parents are fine. My brother is literally the best. I'm going to text you my address and I expect you be here by 4. And bring Hazel!" I shouted into my phone at Samantha. I let out a sigh after hanging up with her. I was going to have to get used to hanging out with them instead of June all the time.

I lazily prowled down the stairs to get some snacks. As I entered the kitchen, I saw my mother and brother making pizzas.

"Hi honey!" My mother called out, covered in flour. My brother grinned at me, also covered in flour and cheese.

"Hi... aren't you usually at the office, like, all the time?" I asked, suspicious. Before I got an answer, Ash came up and gave me a big, warm hug that made me extremely happy. It was the kind of happy I only got around him.

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