Chapter 10 - Daily Lunchtime Drama

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*one day later*

"So, um, Samantha, when did the whole 'screwing around with a guy seven years older than you' thing happen?" Caden questioned as he sat down at our reserved lunch table.

Just as Sam was preparing to voice her reply, Ryder also took a seat with his new girls. Unfortunately, Celine was purposefully one of them. "Hey, loves. How's it going?" She cheerily spoke to our entire table, mimicking cringy Instagram famous girls. During her little greeting, she made unblinking eye contact with her humble crush, my fuck buddy himself, Caden Frost.

"Actually, I was just about to tell Caden about the story of the older guy I did the 'devil's tango' with!" Samantha responded with a too-wide grin, fake cheer dripping from her words.

"Cute!" She squealed, obnoxiously high-pitched. Turning her gaze back to Caden, she attempted to make him jealous. "I did the same thing with Ryder last night."

Caden wrinkled his nose in disgust and Ryder gave her a confused look. Just as Hazel worriedly exclaimed, "On a school night!?", Ryder asked, "What's the devil's tango?".

Celine distastefully looked at Ryder as Samantha bluntly gave him the rundown of, "She's claiming that you two fucked."

Ryder nodded his head in understanding before becoming confused once again, clearly for the reason that they didn't actually mess around. "Well, Aveline and I also fucked yesterday as well!" Caden proudly announced. Corey's eyes bulged out of his head as I whipped my head to face the asshole sitting only a seat away from me.

"Caden! Celine and rando girl, who Sam isn't flirting with for once, now think I'm cheating on Corey!" I shouted through clenched teeth. Angrily stabbing my gross spaghetti and forcefully shoving it into my mouth, I gave him my infamous death glare. This glare was about as well known as June's puppy dog eyes, and about as annoying too.

Caden shifted uncomfortably in his seat as Sam took what he of the situation. "Hi, I'm Samantha Hill, your favorite reporter. Welcome to our show, Daily Lunchtime Drama!" She held a strong fake grin on her face and a fake microphone in her hand, comically speaking in Hazel's direction.

Hazel giggled at her best friend, eyes shining happily. I hollered with annoyance, "Shut the fuck up Sam and back me up here!"

"Um, its totally fine if you two aren't entirely exclusive yet. That way you can avoid him breaking up with you by making out with another girl because that won't break you two up." Ryder's unnamed chick of the day spoke up then, taking Samantha's role of 'possible best friend'. I reveled in her brilliance for a second there, only to be brought out of my thoughts by Corey unhappily poking my arm.

"Just deny that you two did it," Corey whispered, looking slightly betrayed. His eyes held a small amount of hurt that you could only see if you really liked looking at people in pain, which made sense for me.

"Guys!" I hollered, catching the attention of not only my arguing table-mates, but the entirety of the cafeteria. "Caden and I never fucked in the first place!"

Gasps could be heard throughout the room, but my unethical classmates quickly got bored of the lack of drama in my announcement. Soon enough, they went back to whispering about Rachel the Random Slut's supposed pregnancy or something. Out of my friends and Celine, only dumbass Ryder and his nameless girl of the day actually believed my declaration, though. Caden made sure to lean over Ryder to whisper in Celine's ear about the false accusation in my statement.

I see myself and Corey visibly cringing at his describing words for what went down between the blonde and I the night before. Corey looked at me in horror, hopefully not imagining his best friend and his fake girlfriend in between the sheets. I wrinkled my nose at him, and swatted at Caden, who was usually respectable.

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