Chapter 29- Sounds Cliche

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Part twenty-nine

Julie's POV

Thanksgiving break was coming up in a few days. Midterms were killing me, I've barely had time to really study with Riley. She's been acting up so much lately.

Terrible threes, and it's only the beginning.

She's at the daycare right now. While I'm trying to study last minute for these midterms. I'm sitting down on the floor outside my classroom. It's lunch right now and I only have a few more classes until my day is over.

"Hey girlie," Bryan said leaning down so he could sit with me.

"Hey" I laughed at the fact that he called me girlie.

"You studying, really? Just wing it" he shrugged like it didn't matter.

"It matters to me." I sigh and looked down at my book. Although at this moment it everything I've written throughout this semester seems like gibberish.

"I miss hanging out with you" he blurted out turning to me.

"Aw, I miss you too. Shirley stole you away from me" I frowned. He just laughed at my pouty face.

"You know she likes you, right?" I confessed.

"Yeah, I know," he said adjusting his bun.

"Sooo?" I nodded my head for him to continue.

"I dont know. She's a little much for me sometimes. I just think we'd work better as friends" he explained.


"Yeah" he sighed looking at me.

"Just don't tell her. I can already see it- she's going to distance herself and were never gonna speak to each other again" he sighed slouching even further into the ground.

I didn't answer. I wasn't going to tell her. Not only because of that, but she'll be crushed. I don't know how much she liked him, but it's enough that she hasn't really been talking to or about other guys.

I turn back to my book, even though everything still looks like gibberish at the moment. I ended up just closing it and my final thought was to wing everything.

The teacher showed up and we went inside. The minute I looked at the test, I knew I was definitely going to wing it.


After several classes later it was the last period and we were watching a movie. Since it was a retake class, we were taking midterms. I sat in that class with both Wyatt and Jackson. Awkwardly.

Of course, Wyatt saw on the other side of the room from me while Jackson sat right a roe away from me. I tried to at least act like I was paying attention to the movie, but I couldn't. However, I could practically feel Wyatt throwing daggers at my side. I kept glancing at him subconsciously and he was either looking at me already or preparing to.

Then I would turn to Jackson and he seems really into the movie. He would throw me a smile every once in a while. I felt very fidgety suddenly, so I asked to go to the bathroom mostly to walk around.

I was in the hallway but it was quiet since almost everyone left already. But ironically enough I ran into the person I dreaded seeing. Lisette. I kept my head low and was making it seem like I didn't see her. But then.

"Julie! Hold up" she attempted jogging towards me but she couldn't really since she was pregnant. Almost six months.

"Hey, Lissette. How you been?" I smiled at her.

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