Chapter 17- Be A Teenager

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Part seventeen

Julie's POV

Walking to my locker I felt something graze my hand. Or more like someone.

It was Wyatt, he look really good today. He looks good everyday but today is different.

"So is school a safe place?" He questioned.

"I doubt it" I frown pouting my lip out and he bits his lip in response.

"All I want to do is kiss you, and hold hand with you" he said biting his lip again, staring into my brown eyes.

But that was very quickly interrupted.

"Hey Wyatt, Lissette has been looking for you all morning, and yesterday but apparently you were busy" Mackenie dropped in.

"Where is she?" He asked looking around. She was spotted, and she didn't look very pleased.

"Imma go then" I said pick in up bag from the ground since I put it down to get into my locker.

"What, why" asked Mackenzie.

"She's mean, and emotion right now. I don't want to deal with that"

"I second that" Wyatt raised his hand.

"I don't care. Just stay" Mackenzie said. I didn't want to stay, but I guess I could. Whatever.

"Hey Julie" she said resting her hand on her lower back.

"Hey, Lissette. Wassup" I asked politely, anything could irritate her right now.

"I was looking for the both of you actually" she breathed out.


"I decided to tell my parents today. About the bun in the oven" she sighed.

"Okay, sounds good. What's the problem?" I already knew there would be a problem.

"Wyatt, doesn't want to come" she sniffled. Oh no, she better not cry. I send a glance at Wyatt but he was already looking at me.

"Its not that I don't want to go, I just know how your parents are going to react" he sighed. Which isn't a complete lie. But we talked on the phone before coming to school for a bit, we kind of had plans for after school. But if she need him there, that's fine with me. He promised he would change.

"Maybe you should come too,  Julie" she gave me her full attention now.

"I don't think that's a good idea,  your mom isn't very fond of me" now that I think about it, other people's parents don't really like me. At all.

"Was Jackson with you when you told your parents?" I turn my head slightly to roll my eyes. Wyatt caught sight of that and laid a small smile on his face.

Always about Jackson, isn't it?

"Was he?" I questioned more to myself "I can't really remember" I said just to have her ask me again.

"Oh, come on. You have to know, I'm getting nervous" she said sniffling again. I lean back on to the locker, rest my hands on the locker behind me, crossing them behind my back.

"Umm, -" I turn my head to the right and I saw Jackson walking down the hall with Natasha at his side, they were talking.

"Let's ask Jackson" Mackenzie said as she started calling Jackson until he finally noticed.

"Hey, guys" he nodded at Wyatt and kissed me on the cheek.

"Wassup" he said leaning on the locker sideways so his upper arm was being shoved into the locker.

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