Chapter 13- Amigo o Novio?

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Part Thirteen

Julie's POV

Bryan I have been hanging out a lot lately. School is starting tomorrow. Things have been going pretty good.

It's been about two weeks since that whole commotion at my house. I spend a few hours at Bryan's house that day and when I got back home everyone was gone.

I haven't really talk to any of them either. Jackson's been MIA more than ever, and I thought it was bad before. All I see are the pictures his girlfriend Natasha posted on snapchat. Why do I have her on Snapchat? I don't really know. But it doesn't bother me anymore, it never really did, it was just that he rather be spending time with his girlfriend then his daughter. Who's growing everyday. Potty training has been on the more successful side. She's been expressing her feelings more, asking so many more questions. She's the cutest thing ever. I can't believe she's gonna three years old soon, its insane.

On occasions she'd ask me if daddy is okay, since he hasn't come to see her. And she would take my phone and call him sometime but it would just ring until it go to voicemail and she would just put the phone down and walk away. Why is he painting this picture of himself? Making him the person he said he would never be. But I'm tired of pointing that out and he doesn't want to hear me anymore, so I stopped.

"Is Bryan coming?" She asked in her lispy voice.

"I don't know, you wanna ask him?" I said giving her my phone. She know that Bryan is mommy's friend. I've made it as clear as possible that daddy is daddy, and Bryan is mommy's friend. As she scrolls through the contacts in my phone she looks at the contact pictures I have for almost everyone. That's the way she knows who to call, since she can't read yet. I took a funny/cute picture of him and used it and Riley laughs every time she sees it. So as soon as she starts laughing I know who's she's looking at.

She presses the phone to her ear, and when he pick up, she starts talking gibberish/ English with him, its the cutest thing.

"Can I talk to him?" I asked. And she finished up with a bye and gives me the phone.

"Hello" I said into the phone.

"Hey, what's up" he chuckling because of Riley. She still sitting in front of me, giving me her full attention.

"Riley wanted to know if your coming over later" I said glancing at my baby girl.

"Using your daughter as an excuse to see me? Okay, I see you" he said I could hear him teasing, but that just his personality.

"Shut up, are you or are you not?" I laughed.

"I don't know, I'll have to think about it" he said and I could tell he was making a funny thinking face.

"Okay, then I'll just have to tell Riley you said no" I sighed dramatically.

"No! That kid would beat my ass, tell her I'm coming" he laughed.

"Riley, Bryan said he's coming today" I said making sure Bryan heard me. All you hear is Riley scream in happiness as she runs around the house.

"Have you heard from Jackson?" He questioned. Bryan basically knows everything. He's quickly become my best friend, aside from Shirley. Speaking of, she just got back from the Dominican Republic, she was there for summer vacation.

"Um, nah, he hasn't called" I shrugged not wanting to really talk about.

"Have you called him" he asked as the alternative.

"I don't feel like fighting with him" I sighed.

"Okay, I get it" he said not pushing the topic.

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