Chapter 20- That Night At The Mall

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Part Twenty

Julie's POV

So everything has been a little awkward around school with the whole ordeal at the mall the other night. It's been a few days since it all happened.

Things between Jackson and I have changed drastically. He hasn't called or texted, nothing. I feel awful about it, but, I can't take it back now. I said what I felt, but it was never meant to come out that way or infront of everyone like that. I was just angry.

Things between Wyatt and I have been surprisingly good, I though he would have been upset with me because of the way I spoke to Lissette, but he told me, him and Lissette talked things out and they were fine. Everything was going to be resolved.

As for everyone else that was there that day, I talked to Shirley and Bryan and they apologized, so we're good. Mackenzie hasn't uttered a word to me, and she been dodging me like the flu.

And for Lissette, it's safe to assume, she hates me. I tried talking to her but she wasn't having it. She would send me dirty glares and I always saw her talking to Jackson. For once, they liked each other. But that was because they had a common dislike: me.

Which was understandable, I went a little haywire at the mall. But I was tired of everyone treating me like a fucking doormat. So I spoke my mind, they just didn't like what I had to say. But I wasn't expecting them to like it anyways, it was meant to be brutal honestly, just never meant to be said out loud.

"Hey baby" Wyatt said coming up and planting a kiss on my cheek. At least he still likes me.

"Hi" I leaned into him. I felt safer with him. No one was going to be mean and say something to me when he was around.

Jackson would always glance at me from his locker with Natasha attached to his hip. I saw him staring from on top Wyatt's shoulder. But he doesn't do anything, just stares. Natasha has her arm around his waist while she's chatting it up with one of her friends.

I close my eyes to stop my staring. I just rest my head on Wyatt's shoulder for a moment. We pull apart and he smiles at me with his ocean eyes.

"You okay?" He's been asking me that since that night at the mall. I didn't mind him doing that, but I also didn't want him to worry about me all that time.

"Yea, I'm fine" I shrugged, I kept pushing it to the back of my head, my actually feelings. That's what I always do when I'm not fine, which lead to my outburst at the mall. Maybe I shouldn't that anymore.

"I don't know, you seem off" he insisted.

"I know, I just don't wanna talk about" I leaned forward onto his chest and sigh. Again, I just liked that he cared enough to ask.

"Okay, so we'll talk about it another time" that's more like it.

"I'm sorry" I apologized. But I don't really know for what. Whether it was still about the other night, or just about not tell him what was wrong.

"Don't be, it's okay" he said picking my head and turning it so that it lays on his chest instead and engulfs me into a hug, wrapping his arms around me.

"Lets get to class" he whispered in my ear since he head was on my shoulder near my ear.

"Ugh, fine" I laughed and he took my hand in his, and walked to class. Even though we didn't have this class together which was pre- cal, but he still walked me. I walked in the class and ironically enough I had this class with Lissette and Jackson. They just hadn't showed up yet.

I went to my seat, and took out my notebook since there was stuff to copy on the board. The late bell rang, and the teacher, Dr. Bartholomew aka Dr. B, started talking.

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