Chapter 25- Just Wanted To Talk

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Part Twenty-Five

Julie's POV

"Momma, let's color" Riley was running around the living room. She been feeling better these last two days. We just got home from school and daycare about an hour ago. We had sandwiches for lunch and now were just sitting watch Barbie: Life In The Dreamhouse. They only have about ten episode on Netflix so we've been watch the same ten episode for a couple of weeks now.

"Okay Princess. Where the coloring book?" I asked and she make a face as if she was trying to remember.

"Hmm, this one?" She asked grabbing a random book.

"No not that one" I said looking around trying to help her.

"I found the crayons though" I said picking up the beat up box of Crayola crayons.

"Found it!" She said picking up the coloring book from the pile of magazines as well as knocking them over. She looks at them fall over and continues walking.

"Hey, wait. It fell over" I said seeing if she was going to pick it up.

"Oh, sowy" she said putting the coloring book of her small table and going back to the other small table to try and fix it.

"It heavy momma" she said pleading for me to help her.

"Oh okay, I got it" I got up and went to fix it since it didn't seem like she was gonna do it.

"Thank you momma" she said all happy.

"There" I sat back on the couch and she dragged her table over to me with the crayons slipping and sliding but only two manage to fall and she immediately went after them.

We spent some time coloring in her Shopkins coloring book. I haven't had time like this with Riley in so long. But it was temporary because I had some homework I had to do.

"Baby, I have to do homework, you can color by yourself"

"Awh" she sighed but did it anyways.

I went to my went to my room really quick to get my bag and bring it to the living room.

We sat in peace for a while, me doing my homework and Riley keeping herself entertained. Eventually she stopped coloring and went to her bin of toys and took those out. She had them sitting with her she watched a different Barbie movie.


I finished my homework around the time my mother got home.

"Mom!" Riley shouted jumping up and down and clapping her hands. She went over to my mom and hugged her legs.

"Hola Riley!" My mom answered back just as enthusiastically.

She sat on in couch in exhaustion.

"Tu novio esta afuera" she said catching my attention immediately.
(Your boyfriend is outside)

"What?" I questioned not sure if I heard her right.

"Si, anda mira" she nodded her head in the direction of the front door.
(Yeah, go check)

I got up giving my mom a questionable look. But went to check it out anyways and he was in fact sitting on my porch steps. I know his ass is cold because of the concrete.

I went outside while my mom and Riley talked for a bit.

"Wyatt?" I asked still not even sure it was him I saw.

"Hey Julie" he said nervously.

"Hey" I smiled. Since it was November it was pretty chilly and I didnt think about bring something heavier than a sweater.

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