Chapter 2- Why Are You Still Here

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Part Two

Julie's POV

"I forgot about how much u  love moving in your sleep" Jackson whispered with a grin as he moves around a little beside me.

I laugh and shook my head. How exactly did we end up here?

"We fell asleep on the couch yesterday. Your mom brung Riley to her crib, and I carried you here" he said still sounding a bit hoarse but more awake. I hadn't realize I voiced my thought.

I nod my head and started stretching without getting out of bed. Then I saw the crib rocking a bit.

"Momma" Rye said looking at me and Jackson.

"Lay down Riley, ok baby" I said with droopy eyes. She tills her head to the right a bit looking like a confused puppy. But she listened and laid back down.

Since its summer now I'm going to try to get a job, so I don't want Riley to get get used to sleeping in. But today, I'll let it slide.

"So" Jackson whispered in my ear so Riley wouldn't get back up.

"So" I say trying not to laugh.

He smiles then stares at my lips then back to my eyes. I notice his lips as well, and stare at them too.

The temptation of giving in, leaning forwards, and kiss his lips. I want to so badly. But before anything could happen, the doorbell rang. The second the doorbell rang I saw the disappointment in Jackson's face.

"I'll be back" shuffling the blankets away and opening my bedroom door quickly so Riley won't wake up.

Walking a bit faster so she won't see me if she gets up, I finally get to the door and open it a reveals one of my friend, with a cheeky grin.

"Heyyyy" Lissette says as she gives me a hug. As she hugs I look over her shoulder and see she had a bunch of grocery bags.

Lissette King everyone. She is tall maybe an inch taller than me. And I'm 5'8 so. Her dad's Jamaican, while her mom's Dominican, leading to her having light-skin with curly brown hair and brown eyes. She's very slim but very pretty.

"Hey, what are doing this early in the morning and what's that" I say referring to the bags.

"Wyatt broke up with me, and I haven't cracked yet, so" she smiled looking back at the grocery bags. "Can I stay over" she added.

"Well if you ok with Jackson being around, then I guess you can stay" I smiled leading her to the living room.

"Great" she said taking a few bags. "Jackson! Use those big arms of yours and come help me out!" she shouted through the house.

"Lissette, be quiet" I laughed grabbing a few bags as well. "My mom is most likely still sleep and I don't want Riley up yet".

"Oouuu, my little princess where is she" she squealed lowly. Walking past her toys and into the kitchen to set the bags on the table.

Walking back to the porch I see Jackson coming out my room with Riley in him arms.

"Momma!" She shouted raising her arms up so I can hold.

"Hey honey" I smile taking her from Jackson. "Can you help with the bags" I say nodding my head in the direction of the bags on the porch.

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