Chapter Thirty-One: The Truth

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"What was that out there?" He sighs, reaching for the other side of the fitted sheet.

"Nothing." I avoid his gaze, moving to the bottom of the bed.

"That wasn't nothing, Autumn." He moves to the end of the bed as well. "What's going on?"

I smooth the creases of the fitted sheet, making sure it will not slip in the middle of the night. Timothy does the same on his side, glaring at me for an answer once I meet his gaze. I swallow the lump in my throat when I realize that he will not let this go and we have all night.

I just do not know how to tell him about his mothers hypothesis. How can you tell your partner - one in which you are currently having issues with - that you may or may not be carrying a shared offspring. I just met his mother. He has yet to meet mine, besides over a low-quality video call. I do not know much about him and we do not even know about our possible future, or lack there of currently.

I cannot possibly be carrying a child. I have a demanding career. Timothy has a demanding career. I have a niece that will be here any day now. I cannot possibly be carrying a child.

It is a beautiful thing, Autumn.

It is, but not for me. I never wanted children. I just wanted to use Karen and Ryan's offspring as a decoy of my own, only momentarily playing mommy before he or she returns to their rightful owners. I cannot possibly be carrying a child.

We were careful.

I think.

"Autumn, you keep zoning out. Please tell me what's going on." Timothy stresses.

I plop onto the unfinished bedding and fidget with my fingers. I hope he takes bad news well.

"Your mom... She um--"

"She wasn't mean to you, was she? I can go talk to her now."

I shake my head, inhaling deeply.

"No, she was very nice." I exhale.

"Did she say anything embarrassing? She has a thing where she loves doing that. I can still talk to her about that." He worries.

I shake my head again.

"No, not at all. She was perfect."

Timothy joins my side, taking my hands in his.

"Then what is it? Baby, you have to to tell me some--"

"She thinks I'm pregnant." I blurt.

Timothy stiffens. His hand suddenly moistening over mine. I try to catch his eyes before he moves his gaze elsewhere. I saw nothing. His expression is hard and blank.

"I don't think I am. I mean... I shouldn't be." I murmur, biting down on my bottom lip. "I shouldn't be."

Timothy remains silent. I know a storm is brewing amongst his thoughts. His silence is actually what I need to think and process this. I cannot possibly be pregnant.

"I have been taking my birth control pills. My periods are regular, well until last week. But that usually happens. I--"

"Autumn, please. Please." He mutters, now looking at the ground as well.

I nod and clamp my mouth shut. I hope he is not angry. Although, that would mean we are on the same accord about our readiness for a child.

He mutters something else beneath his breath, but I could not make it out. My thoughts are clouding my hearing and my erratically beating heart is muting all else.

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