Chapter Twenty-One: Butterflies and Allys

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"Are you sure you don't want to go site-seeing today?" He grumbles, lazily snaking his arms around my waist.

I giggle at his alertness despite his obvious exhaustion. I have been trying to sneak out of my hotel room for fifteen minutes now. I have a meeting with the Pride Lives community leader, Monte George, today. He offered to speak with me before he leaves for New Jersey.

He is an important figure for my article and should I continue abandoning the demands of my job, as I have done for two days now, I will be out of one.

"I can't. I only have three days to gather enough information for my article. I have to go." I slip out of his hold, turning towards the door to grab my linen blouse.

Timothy looks on silently, his bottom lip lightly tucked under his teeth. His eyes predatory, proving their ulterior motives.

Considering my best bet, I ignore him and proceed with putting last-minute touches on my outfit. I ensure every wrinkle is creased and every button is locked. When I almost certain that I look presentable, I finally turn to him for approval.

"What'da think?" I smile, slowly turning for him.

He remains mute, smiling as he stalks forward. Before I can open my mouth to question his silence, his lips find mine. His hands claim their rightful place on my hips, gently guiding me towards his. His breath falls unevenly with mine.

"Beautiful." He whispers against my lips, breaking the kiss in the process.

He releases me fully, pausing to hold our gaze. I would be lying if I said that I am terribly reconsidering making this meeting on time. Instead, I want to see that fire in his eyes again. I want to feel that indisputable pressure again. I want him.

Take him, Autumn.

And so I did.

Slowly with eyes never leaving his, I raise my hands to the top button of my blouse. Each button I unfasten seems to only antagonize us. I struggle with every other button, trying to maintain my serenity while still mastering the art of seduction.

He makes no sudden moves, only allowing his eyes to move from mine every once in awhile to check my progress. He may seem calm, but I know he is growing restless. So I stop at the last button and hop onto the bathroom counter; waiting for him.

"You have work." He finally whispers, stepping between my thighs.

I reach for the hem of his sweats and tug him closer.

"Yeah, but I want you."

He smirks just before biting his lip and nodding. He allows me to release the drawstring of his sweats, hissing when I move to slide them down. I only pause to feel his print; the man is quite impressive.

I release a gentle sigh when his palms find their place on my thighs, the pads of his fingers gently digging into me as he steadies himself.

"Fuck, Autumn. You will be the death of me." He whispers, lunging his hips forward.

"Just drop them, please."

Without hesitation, he does so. His eyes a beautiful dark pecan and his muscles tensing. I love that he responds so wonderfully to my touch. Giving me all the control and all the pleasure of his.

I take a moment to assess him again, actually taking in his size. I even lick my lips at the thought of him on my them. He feels good, he is bound to taste good as well.

Gently I graze my thumb over his tip, lingering on his premature juices. He jerks forward once more, tightening his grip on my thighs as he curses himself.

The Road Of Autumn [Interracial/WWBM]✔️Where stories live. Discover now