Chapter Twenty-Nine: His Truth

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I do not want to have you
To fill the empty parts of me.
I want to be full on my own.
I want to be so complete,
I could light a whole city.
And then,
I want to have you.
Cause the two of us combined,
could set it on fire.
- Rupi Kaur

"Okay Brandon, Can you inhale for me one last time?" I smile, guiding my stethoscope across his back.

Brandon nods and inhales deeply, puffing his cheeks with great animation. I chuckle at his silliness, removing the stethoscope completely.

"Alright, everything sounds about right. I think you're good to go, champ."

He smiles, showcasing the empty spaces in his mouth where ivory stubs should be. The missing teeth does nothing to dent his indisputable charm. He is a handsome little seven year-old with a mean case of seasonal congestion.

"But what about the..." He pauses to think, furrowing his eyebrows in frustration. "The... The thing right here?"

He taps the middle of his chest with his index finger.

"I feel weird. My daddy says I sound weird. I can't play outside until the... This goes away. That's what daddy says." He jerks forward after a short nasty cough. "It hurts too." He adds as an afterthought.

I frown at the little guy, my smile only returning when he looks to me for answers. His brown eyes are mildly meek with curiosity. I soon find my smile widening at the thought of this little human thinking that I hold all the answers. That I am so efficiently equipped to be the super hero he watches on the television screen.

The thought alone warms my heart. Me - a simple pediatrician - being someone's hero. How unconventional.

"You're going to be okay, Brandon." I smile, squatting to his level to tie his ivory shoe laces which are currently sprawled around his ankles. "With a little magic potion and some super foods, for a super hero, you will be back to normal in no time."

His eyes brighten with indescribable expectations that only a child can hold. He showcases his infamously unique smile and nods at the affirmation.

"Magic potions and super foods? Sounds like a plan Mister-Doctor Ashley!" He chirps, jumping in place when I tap his foot to signify that his laces have been tied once more.

I shake my head in admiration of his energy.

I love all of my little patients and I try not to be nepotistic, but he has charmed his way into my heart. He is an amazing kid with an amazing father.

His father, Michael Bryant, is raising Brandon and his two siblings on his own. Their mother, whom I've obviously never met, believed that her plans did not include children - even when she birthed them herself. I assume Brandon was heartbroken, but perseveres for Brandon and his siblings. I can imagine that it must be tough to handle three young boys, but he manages and that is admirable.

"That's what I'm talkin' about!" I cheer, raising my palm in the air.

Brandon chuckles before smashing his palm into mine, gawking outwardly at the obvious size difference. Again, I find myself chuckling at his innocence. Brandon giggles along, oblivious to his affect he has on the atmosphere. This child is something special.

"Thank you, Mister-Doctor Ashley." He sighs contentedly.

I nod and rise to my full height, offering my hand to him.

"Let's go find your dad, hm?"

He nods and takes my hand, skipping as I lead us toward the door. We turn down the hallway, stopping to allow Brandon to pick a treat for today while I retrieved his prescription for his congestion. When I return, I escort him into the waiting room where sure enough, his father was waiting with his two siblings.

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