Chapter Seven: Breathless

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A stubborn woman is not always the woman that has been scorned. The stubborn woman may just simply be a natural defendant. She defends her heart, her pride, and her humility. This does not give anyone the right to label her as "mad" or even "intolerable". Just because she bears pride and modesty, doesn't mean she looks upon others in distaste. A stubborn woman is simply a misunderstood woman. A stubborn woman is truly just a woman.

A week has passed since my meeting with Mr. Matthews. During the past week, I have mentally and emotionally collected myself. I requested a week to prepare for my project. I told yet another white lie to Mr. Matthews. I told him that I was handling a bit of family business and needed free time to support and negate the issue. In truth, the only issue I was "handling" was my fear of seeing Timothy again.

I wanted to believe that the moment I walked out of Mr. Matthews office, promising with scouts honor that I will get right to work, I could set up a meeting with Timothy right away. But the unfortunate truth was, I couldn't. Not because he was unreachable, but because my confusing emotions were stuck in a labyrinthine. 

I eventually got myself together, reminding myself of my goals. I have to stay focused and complete this project. A few weeks interviewing Timothy, "Dr. Ashely" I should say, cannot hurt me, right?

"Shannon?" I ask, chewing on my lip nervously.

As soon as her blonde locks showcase against my door frame, I release my lip and straighten my posture.

"Yes, Miss Heart?" She smiles, small and innocent.

"Did you make the call?"

Shannon, positions herself correct against the door frame, twisting her face in thought. I open my mouth to deadpan my question, but she quickly perks up before nodding.

"Yes, ma'am. Your visitor is on the way up."

I nod, giving her permission to return to whatever assignment she was previously doing. With a simple nod, she obeys. Once the door closes behind her, I stand from my share and inhale deeply.

This meeting can make or break me. The likely chance of breaking me is high enough to induce anxiety. But my pride just so happens to be strong enough to hold my vehement emotions. Therefore when the door suddenly opens, revealing a smitten Shannon and an undeniably handsome "Dr. Ashley", I hold my chest a little higher a exhale all worries.

I press my palms down firmly against my pencil skirt, quickly pausing at my subconscious habit. When I finally glance away from my skirt, I catch his eyes. His eyes are just as soft a brown as I remember. His eyes just entice you, draw you into the emotion behind his irises. The emotion he has chosen to display today, glee.

"Miss Heart?" Shannon calls, breaking my concentration.

A familiar warmth fills my cheeks as I dare to glance away from the familiar pair of eyes. I quickly recover from the moment with a curt nod, gesturing for the two to sit. Shannon returns my nod glancing at "Dr. Ashley" who seems just as flush as they claim the seats in front of my desk.

I return to my seat as well, avoiding the familiar gaze as I prepare to swallow my weaker emotions. I have to remain focused. Regardless of how great it is to see this beautiful man again, I have a job to complete.

"Good morning, Dr. Ashley. I am glad you could join me today." I smile, forcing my tone to maintain consistency.

"Dr. Ashley" frowns, his expression clear to the confusion of my formality. I ignore his gaze, inwardly hoping he will follow suit.

"The pleasure is all mine, Miss Heart." His smile returns, small but genuine.

I steal a glance at him. Hearing my name dripping from his lips made my heart flutter. I knew I would be anxious about seeing him again, but hearing my name from those angel lips just confirmed that the supposed anxiousness was actual excitement. But of course, I mask all emotion and simply nod.

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