Chapter 8

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My stomach began to turn as soon as we made it to the front of the house. Walking hesitantly to where the boys stood, my cheeks began to burn once I could feel Blake's eyes on me. My stomach fluttered as his eyes roamed down my body, before settling back up to my face. Completely aware that I had caught him checking me out, he didn't seem to care as he continued to look at me.

"Damnnn, I barely even recognize you little girl" Alec came stutting towards us, giving me a grin.

I giggled softly, rolling my eyes at the pet name he has continued to call me. "Hey guys" I smiled at them all.

"Hey" Jake and Luke said in anusion, smirking down at us. I noticed Luke's eyes trail down Sky's body, taking in her appearance. Sky caught him staring, giving him one of her best intimidating stares, though it didn't faze him in anyway. If anything, it did quite the opposite. An amused grin broke out onto his face as he raised a brow at her.

Scoffing, she turned away yet i could of sworn I sore the tips of her lips twitch as if she was trying hard to fight a smile.

"Hmm" Alec's eyes roamed over Caroline's body hungrily. "Your looking good enough to eat tonight, cupcake" he took all of us by surprise as he gripped her waist with his giant hands, pushing her hips into him.

I immediately gasped, "Ewww gross Alec" I scrunched my nose up in disgust. "Don't do that shit with my friends in front of me" I held my hands over my face to cover my poor eyes.

He snickered, sending me a wink.

I scowled playfully at him.

"Are you guys just going to stand there or get out of my way so I can enter." Sky snapped.

I laughed as Luke's grin widened. "Feisty little thing aren't you?" He teased, "It's sexy" he added, sending her a wink.

"Ughh" she groaned.

"Sorry to interrupt this cute little love fest but there's a party that needs my beautiful face in it so see you beauties around" Alec winked, taking Caroline's hand and entering the party.

I giggled, winking at a flustered Caroline.

"I need a drink" Sky rolled her eyes, walking into the house after them, Jade and Jake following closely behind her.

Hmmm another match I could work on....

Grinning to myself, my eyes curiously drifted over towards Blake and Luke who seemed to be having an intense conversation in the corner.

To save myself from the awkwardness, I made my way into the house.

I hesitantly stepped over bodies that were passed out drunk in the middle of the hallway. My skin flushed at how hot it was. Sweaty bodies rubbed up against me as I walked through the mass of people. There were red solo cups everywhere, making me feel bad for Brandon who had to deal with cleaning them up afterwards. The lighting around the house was dim, except for a massive space further up the house, that had colourful disco lights shining in the middle of the dance floor. The music was up full blast as people grinded on one another, some drunk kids were already past out on the couches.

Walking over to the bar, I ignored the guys hanging around there that were shamelessly checking me out.

"Hey sexy!"

"Wanna dance beautiful?"

"Hey baby!"

I managed to squish through the guys who were wolf whistling or calling out to me. My stomach turned, instantly feeling uncomfortable.

I was about two steps away from reaching the bar but before I could walk any further, my elbow was grabbed roughly.

"Hey Heaven" My stomach dropped at the sound of Brandon's voice. I turned around to come face to face with his smirking one.

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