19. | Piggyback ride

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- N O V A L I A -

I groan as I stretch my limps, which ached probably due to the new bed I'd have to adjust to.

I walked over to the side of my room that had windows that reached from the floor and to the ceiling.

The streets were busy even though it was early morning, the side walk was packed with birds that were being fed by some homeless man that lived on one of the benches.

I make my way to my bathroom and quickly hop into the shower, feeling afresh already.

My outfit was quite simple yet dainty.

Today I was planning on taking a walk through out the city streets.

I stroll out of my room and into the kitchen where Sirius stood drinking what I'm guessing is coffee.

Well I'm sure it is because the apartment practically smells like coffee.

"Morning sleeping beauty." He teased as I shot him a quiet glare and take the coffee out of his hands.

"Give me that." I huffed and sipped on it but immediately scowled at the awfully bitter taste.

"How do you even drink this." I gasped and handed him his coffee back.

"With my mouth of course." He shrugged playfully as I rolled my eyes.

"You going somewhere?" He asked as he looked my outfit up and down.

"Just for stroll, I'll be back in a hour or 2." I said and looked to my wristwatch.

"Mind if I join? I was going to go for a walk anyway." He quirked as I immediately nodded.

Well I could use some company.


"How do these look?" I grinned as I pointed to the sunglasses on my face.

"They look like sunglasses to me," He shrugged but I quickly took them off and glared at him. "They look pretty good, you should get them." He quickly changed his demeanor.

"You're right." I grinned widely as we walked to the counter to pay.

We've came across many stores on our walk and obviously we had to stop at each one.

This one happened to be a store that sold nothing but sunglasses.

Within a second my hand was pushed away from the cashier and cash was placed in the cashiers hands.

The cash wasn't mine but Sirius's.

I snapped my head to him and scowled at him.

"You're welcome." He grinned and shot me a wink.

"Thank you but I could have paid for it." I huff.

"My feet hurt!" I groaned and stopped in my tracks.

We've been walking all around the city, my poor feet needs a rest.

"Just keep walking, we're almost there." Sirius muttered as he regained his breath.

"We're far from there and I'm not walking."

"Then fly home." He laughed and I didn't find it funny.

"Fine, the things I do for you." He grumbled under his breath and bent down, motioning to his back for a piggyback ride.

"What would I do without you!" I exclaimed and quickly secured my arms around his neck with my feet wrapped around his waist.

"You'd be throwing a tantrum." He muttered and I tugged on his hair.

"I heard that you ass cheek."

"The truth hurts I know."


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This chapter was okay in my opinion but I hope you all somehow enjoyed it haha

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