fifty one.

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I shove another spoonful of mint chocolate chip ice cream in my mouth while my eyes remain glued to the t.v. in front of me. After Amy left, I changed into a pair of grey sweatpants and one of my dad's old t-shirts. I had the house to myself for about two hours, and during that time I spent it curled up on the couch watching episodes of Friends that I've already seen a thousand times.

Mason came home an hour or so ago and didn't bother to say a word as he stormed right past me. At first I was hurt, after the day we've had I assumed he would at least act a tad bit friendly towards me.

I figured he was still mad from earlier when he declined the phone call right in front of me. But instead of acting so passive aggressive I just wish he'd talk to me.

When he stormed off I wanted to run after him and ask him if everything was okay. I wanted to be there for him, or at least show him that I am. But I still don't know where I stand when it comes to him. How am I supposed to act now?

I know that Mason has had a bountiful amount of hookups, but I can't help but feel like what we experienced was different- more than that.

So, when Mason ignored me and marched off to his room I did what any normal girl would do to calm her nerves and immediately got up to retrieve my ice cream out of the freezer.

Since then I haven't moved an inch, I've just let the blankets around me encompass my body and the ice cream melt away my thoughts.

"What are you watching?" A male voice interrupted my trance and I directed my head towards it to find Mason standing in the doorway eyeing at me.

I almost want to roll my eyes at him for being so bipolar. But instead of doing that, I grab another spoonful of my ice cream and plop it into my mouth.

"Friends." I answer simply while my attention focuses on the t.v.

I watch him walk into the kitchen through my peripheral vision and am taken back when a few moments later he walks into the living room and sits down on the couch right beside me with a spoon in hand. He instantly grabs the pint of ice cream from my hands and brings it towards him.

I don't even try to hide the shocked expression plastered across my face as he digs his spoon in and places a mouthful of gooey mint chocolate chip ice cream into his mouth.

"What the fuck is Friends?" He asks me after he swallows.

I don't know what's more shocking- the fact that he's never heard of Friends or that he just stole my ice cream.

I stare at him for a few moments, studying his face to see if he's actually serious.

I get the sense that he can feel me staring at him when he turns his head and looks me dead in the eye with that cheeky grin of his.

"Want some?" He asks me, his mouth full of my ice cream.

My heart hammers in my chest over how playful he's acting, it seems the change in his emotions will always confuse the fuck out of me. He eyes me closely as I lean forward and stick my spoon in, careful not to hit his while we savor the treat together.

"You've never heard of Friends?" I ask him, incredulously. What kind of rock was he living under? He shakes his head, finding amusement in my disbelief.

I'm not used to him acting so calm and relaxed. Seeing him sitting here with me covered in blankets, the both of us shoving spoonfuls of ice cream in our mouths was another thing to add to the book of new sights for today.

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