Chapter 24: Drown Her

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Percy's heart thundered in his chest when he finally made it to Poseidon's chamber.

Vormver stood in the middle of the room, Annabeth beside him, still encased in the bubble. Sylvia stood in the corner, looking horror-stricken by the fact that her 'mother' was now a demon. The room had been cleared out and left no trace that a murder had happened here once.

Percy struggled to get used to the sight of the sea demon prince before him. Just a while ago, he wore the face of Lady Serena, And now he had officially taken on the form of a demon prince, taking over Phyllis completely.

"Finally," Vormver said, laughing darkly. His voice was deeper than Tytannus's and had a raspy feel. "The hero arrives."

Percy clenched his jaw, glaring at Vormver. His eyes barely shifted to Annabeth in case Vormver decided to attack. Instead, they fell onto the trident in Vormver's hands. He must have taken them from Annabeth before Percy got here.

"Yes," Vormver smiled. "The trident. The key piece in handing over your power."

"I don't mean to disappoint but I don't know how to do it," Percy said quickly. "I can't just give you my powers, I have no idea how."

Vormver didn't appear fazed. Instead, he threw the trident to him. Percy caught it quickly, glaring at the sea demon.

"You just have to want to give it away," Vormver said. "Your power listens to you and does your bidding. All you have to do is command it."

"In case you forgot, you dampened my powers."

Vormver snapped his fingers and immediately water flowed into the bubble. Percy's heart skipped a beat as Annabeth began pounding on the bubble. Vormver waited until the bubble was half full before snapping his fingers again, stopping the flow.

"Consider this a warning," he said calmly. "I left enough to complete this ritual so you better do it or poor Annabeth shall drown. Do it and I shall let the both of you live, consider this a mercy."

Percy stared at the trident in his hands and looked up to look straight into Vormver's pitch-black eyes. One thing was clear before him.

He needed Annabeth out of the game.

"No," he said. "Drown her."

"No?" Vormver asked incredulously. "Have I not made myself clearer?"

Vormver snapped his fingers and immediately water flowed steadily again into the bubble, flooding it. Annabeth resumed her pounding on the bubble immediately.

"In case you didn't realize, Annabeth is mortal," Vormver said, his voice rising with frustration and impatience.

Percy forced his expression to harden into something unforgiving. "Maybe you're wrong about me, Vormver," he said. "Maybe I just don't care anymore."

Vormver hissed at him. "I'm not playing games, Percy Jackson. I will not hesitate to kill her."

"And I'm done taking orders!" Percy said, his voice loud and clear. "So hear me, Vormver. I won't do what you ask, and nothing you do can make me. Not anymore." Percy lifted the trident and pointed it at Vormver who looked beyond angry now.

"So be it," Vormver chuckled darkly.

Water flowed into the bubble at top speed while Annabeth was visibly screaming inside. Percy shut off his thoughts and the pounding in his chest, making sure not to betray any form of emotion on his face.

It didn't take long for the bubble to fill up and Vormver cackled. "I guess I underestimated your bloodthirstiness and your willingness to sacrifice a loved one for power," Vormver smiled. "You're stronger than I thought, it would be a waste to see you die. It would have been interesting to see how powerful you would become."

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