Chapter 8: Will You Marry Me?

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“What are we going to do?” Noa asked, handing Percy a few gold breeches that symbolized Atlantis to put on his dark blue suit. Percy had lost his tail an hour after Naguel broke the news to him---which he took particularly well, much to Naguel’s annoyance--- and he was sad to see it go. But he started to feel himself again with his legs.

“I don’t know,” Percy admitted. “I don’t even know where to start. But I want to concentrate on the engagement party for now, and then I’ll worry about it. Maybe Annabeth or Jason can give me some help during the party.”

Percy was getting nervous. The engagement party was less than a few hours away. Merpeople and sea creatures were frantic as they rushed around, decorating the venue to make sure of absolute perfection. It was going to be grand, the engagement party of the sea god. But what made Percy more anxious was that he’ll be meeting Sylvia, his soon-to-be fiancée for the first time and they’d be engaged immediately after the party and none of them would have any say in all this.

“Well, Atlantis likes huge parties,” Noa said as she helped Percy put on the breeches. Her voice calmed his nerves only slightly but it still helped. “This might be one of the biggest parties in history with Poseidon’s wedding the exception though. Do you think Annabeth will show up?” she asked softly.

Percy fell silent, he wasn’t sure himself. The rest of the seven including Nico, Will, Thalia, Reyna and a few others had agreed to show up immediately but he had gotten no word from Annabeth. He wasn’t even sure if Annabeth was still his girlfriend, after all they hadn’t even officially broken up.

“Don’t be nervous,” Noa said, quickly changing the subject when she saw Percy’s expression when he thought of Annabeth. “It’ll be over soon. Plus I heard Sylvia’s really nice.”

“Well, how soon?” Percy asked, a small smile creeping on his lips.

“With a blink of an eye,” Noa said and winked.

The party wasn’t that bad, Percy had to admit. In fact, it was all types of grand and magnificence. Everyone was dressed in expensive and exquisite clothing and jewelry, chatting good-heartedly. Sea creatures congratulated him, some even wanting to shake his hand or give him a hug as if they were long lost friends. Tables and tables were filled with food and desserts that look absolutely mouthwatering. If Percy hadn’t been so nervous, he would have piled a plate full of the delicacies, royalty or not, he would stuff himself. None of his friends or the council had arrived yet so Percy just wandered around.

There was a light tap on his shoulder and Percy turned to find Triton in an equally expensive looking suit before him. “Can we talk, brother?” he asked.

Percy looked around to see if he was talking to anyone else but no one paid them any attention. “Yeah sure,” he muttered. “What’s going on?”

Triton looked Percy up and down and gave a small smirk. “You simply look dashing in a suit brother,” he said half politely, half teasingly.

Percy blinked. “Did you seriously come here to tell me this? To compliment me?” he asked incredulously. “Let’s just get to the point Triton, I know you have one.”

Triton’s teasing posture vanished, replaced with a grim look. “It is impossible to seek the murderer in seven days all by yourself, Percy,” Triton said.

Percy frowned at Triton’s words, confusion clouding is thoughts. “How do you know it’s impossible?” he demanded. “How can you be so sure---?”

“Because Naguel wouldn’t have given you this task if he had known it was possible,” Triton explained calmly. “Naguel may be delusional and insane but he is smart. And for whatever reason he doesn’t want you on that throne. And he has influenced a great deal of council members to side with him, others are even considering it.”

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