Chapter 19: A Letter, a Trident and a Jason Grace

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The envelope felt like lead in Percy's hands and a strange emptiness filled his head. The edges of the pale blue envelope were already frayed from his nervous fiddling. Sylvia sat beside him, a stunned expression still hung on her face. He couldn't blame her. He was still in shock himself.

The news of Noa's death had spread quickly among the royal servants. A maid in charge of cleaning Percy's chambers had found Noa on the ground, blood floating around her and had screamed, attracting the attention of patrolling guards.

The most shocking part was that it had happened in his bedroom.

"It's not safe anymore," Sylvia had said and Percy agreed. His chambers were tightly guarded and if someone could be murdered inside, he doubted it would be hard for anyone to murder him when he was asleep.

Percy had spent the night in another room which was heavily guarded and shielded but he could hardly catch any sleep. Noa's death was partially what kept Percy awake. The bigger reason was why he wasn't assassinated yet.

"I don't get it," Percy whispered to Sylvia the next day, early in the morning as the servants and guards rushed around, fumbling to settle the news before it got out to the people that someone was murdered in the King's bedroom. "Why would the murderer kill Noa and not me? He or she had every chance if they could enter undetected."

Sylvia looked just as lost as she answered, "Maybe they were after you that night but only found Noa." Sylvia glanced at the blue envelope in his hands. "Aren't you going to read that?"

Percy glanced down at it. His name was written in Noa's elegant handwriting. It had been given to Percy when servants went to clear out Noa's room. He had been itching to open it all morning but part of him dreaded it.

"It's not your fault, Percy," Sylvia whispered. "What could you have done?"

Percy shrugged. Saved her? Maybe if he hadn't argued and left she would have been fine? What if he ended up dead instead? He steeled himself and opened the envelope. A single piece of paper laid inside with Noa's handwriting on it. Sylvia, to his relief, didn't ask to read it. She only looked away and pretended to be interested in the servants. Percy took the paper out and read.

Dear Percy,

If you are reading this, it means something has gone horribly right or horribly wrong, like death, which I hope not. I'm too amazing for death.

Percy smiled. He had to admit, he missed her and her sarcastic attitude greatly but he forced himself to continue.

I know you might blame yourself even though I doubt it has anything to do with you because you're just that noble.

Sadness washed over him then but part of him wanted to laugh. Sometimes, he didn't even feel noble. He was just a lost demigod turned god who had no idea what was happening most of the time.

But don't. I've agreed to this and I know the risks. But still, tell Kay I'm sorry for leaving her. Maybe give her a few flowers even.

But those matters aside, there are two important matters. If this letter is in your hands, it means I can no longer protect you. You have no knowledge of this, but I was actually hired to be your personal bodyguard. Usually, well always, actually, I have never failed in my job so you can imagine how death would ruin my pride.

Now with me gone, it means you are unguarded. I have placed magic shields around your chambers to prevent any creature or curse from entering. Once I'm gone, the shields will vanish after 24 hours and anyone powerful enough can enter. You need to be more careful than you usually are.

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