Chapter 4: For better or for worse

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"Honestly? It could be anyone," Annabeth said.

Percy frowned, sipping on his cup of hot coffee. He had opted to drink blue coke that morning but Annabeth refused to let him drink soda this early in the morning. God or no god, she had said and given him a cup of coffee instead, ignoring Percy's pout.

"Maybe it's someone I know?" Percy asked. After he woke up, the first thing he did was run to Annabeth's cabin, informing her everything while receiving quite a few glares from her half siblings for waking them up too.

"Perhaps," Annabeth allowed, sipping her tea. "But Poseidon has made many enemies over the years and it could be any of them."

Percy's face fell. "I think the killer is still out there. And I think he might be coming for me next," he added again in a whisper.

Annabeth grabbed his hand. "Percy," she said. "After all these years we've been together, you're really going to let this pull you down? Whatever happens, we can solve it, as long as we're together."

Percy couldn't help but smile at his girlfriend. She was right, she always was.

"You're up early," Jason Grace's voice interrupted them. Behind him was a yawning Piper McLean. She gave a bright smile and wave when she saw them.

"Hey guys," Percy greeted.

"You're up early too," Annabeth noted. "The sun hasn't even rised yet."

"We heard agitated voices," Piper explained. "Plus we couldn't sleep much anyway after all those events. Leo's awake too but he went to look for Calypso first."

"Reyna said she'll visit later, along with Hazel and Frank," Jason added. "Reyna wants to meet up with you," he said to Percy.

Percy sighed. "Probably to check to see if the rumours are true."

"Or to check in as a friend," Annabeth suggested.

"So that means the rumours are true then," a grim voice said and Percy turned to find Nico di Angelo walking towards them, pale faced, well paler than he usually was at least.

Nico sucked in a sharp breath as soon as he laid his eyes upon Percy. "You... I...," he stuttered. "Your aura," he breathed, seemly lost for words.

Percy raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry," Nico apologized sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Your aura is so different, it's... new for me I guess. It'll need some getting used to."

"It's fine? I guess?" Percy said.

Before anyone could say anything about it, there was a flash of light and when it dimmed, a large figure appeared before them, a beautiful woman behind him.

"Dad?!" Jason cried, his eyes wide.

"Amphitrite?" Percy said, surprised, recognizing the queen of the oceans, Poseidon's wife.

His step mom.

Most of the time, Percy forgot that Poseidon was actually married to someone else and he was just a result of one of Poseidon's various affairs. Fortunately for him, Amphitrite was nothing like Hera and never mistreated Percy because of her husband's unfaithfulness. Instead, she had welcomed Percy warmly and took him in like her own son during his few trips to Atlantis before. And he was grateful for that. He didn't want to be turned into a dolphin or something worse for all eternity.

"Perseus Jackson," Zeus greeted but there was no warmth in his eyes. "You are needed in Atlantis immediately."

"Now?" Annabeth cried, standing up. "But Percy just came back!" she protested.

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