Chapter 6: Council of Atlantis

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Zeus wasn't too happy with Percy being a merman, even though it was just temporary. But the look Zeus gave him when he saw him swim into the grand hall with a bright emerald tail was priceless and Percy would never forget the look of horror his uncle gave him. Amphitrite just stood by Zeus, her eyebrows raised and said nothing about it. But Noa didn't deserve what came after.

"What did you do?!" Zeus yelled, pointing at Noa. "He needs to be ready to meet the council tomorrow and you gave him a tail? Do you think this is fun?"

"With all due respect my lord," Noa said with her eyebrows raised. "Percy did have fun."

Zeus's face grew red with anger. "Amphitrite!" he roared. "This is the mermaid you put in charge?" he bellowed.

"Yes," Amphitrite said, slightly amused.

"Also," Noa said. "Again with all due respect Zeus, don't you think you're making it a little too obvious that you are giving Percy a hard time on purpose?"

Zeus's mouth fell open and closed again, gaping like a fish. Percy had to hide a laugh as he watched Zeus's face turn fifty shades of red from anger to embarrassment. Finally, he glared at Noa. "Don't forget who I am," he said. "I am Lord of the skies, king of the Olympian gods---"

"I am a mermaid, sir," Noa said, bowing her head deeply in respect but she was actually trying to hide her smirk. "I do not belong in the skies, I belong in the ocean and my loyalty is with the sea god before me."

"Noa," Amphitrite said, soft but stern before Zeus could blast her into cinders. "Enough," she murmured.

"Yes milady," Noa curtsied elegantly.

"Leave us for a moment," Amphitrite added and Noa nodded, swimming away.

Zeus turned to Amphitrite, all anger on Percy had vanished. "Couldn't you choose someone else?" Zeus demanded.

"She's perfect," Amphitrite said coldly and turned to Percy. "However Zeus is correct, you could suddenly turn back into human halfway during the meeting and things could get embarrassing or trouble will happen, or..." she added before Zeus could say anything. "Nothing bad will happen, so relax. Nervousness and panic will not help your case tomorrow."

Zeus huffed, clearly still angry and was even angrier that Amphitrite didn't take his side. He glared at Amphitrite and floated away in his magic bubble to wherever he wanted to be right now.

"You'll not be here tomorrow?" Percy asked once Zeus left.

Amphitrite shook her head. "Neither will Noa or Zeus," she said and Percy tensed. "But Noa will be waiting outside for you after you're done."

And Percy immediately relaxed at that. "What will I need to do?" he asked, softly. He was beginning to feel nervous about meeting the council.

"Just be yourself," Amphitrite said. "You can do it, Percy. But beware," she added in a softer tone. "Any one of them could be the murderer of Poseidon. The murderer hasn't been identified yet so you need to be constantly on your guard, just in case. Know that a few of them have been eyeing the throne for a while and will do anything to dethrone you to get that power."

Percy gulped, his eyes wide. "What if someone tries to kill me?" he asked.

Amphitrite shook her head. "I believe they would not do something that rash," she said. "There will be guards but watch out for suspicious activity. Triton, my son is one of the council. He will assist you if possible."

"Will Sylvia be there?" Percy asked, still surprised that he wasn't introduced to her yet. The sound of Sylvia's name made his heart ache, thinking of Annabeth but he chose this, no going back now.

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