Chapter 9: What Prowls in the Dark

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The rest of the party was a blur to Percy. He had excused himself as politely as he could and went outside before he started snapping at anyone who didn’t deserve it. And he couldn’t stand the congratulating either, everything was starting to get on his nerves.

“You okay?” Percy turned to find Jason standing behind him, two champagne glasses in his hands. He handed one to Percy who accepted it. The sight of his friend eased his tension only in the slightest.

“What do you think?” Percy answered, taking a sip and sighing at the sweet taste of the sparkling wine that could only be found in Atlantis. “Is there really nothing from Annabeth at all?” he asked. He knew he ought to feel bad, for thinking about Annabeth at a time like this, especially since he just proposed to someone else… but Annabeth was all he could think about, the thought of her and of his friends kept him sane. Sane enough to not make him murder anyone, especially Naguel.

It was Jason’s turn to sigh. “What answer to you want to hear?” he asked. 

“Is she okay?” Percy murmured, worried.

“She took the engagement news pretty well if you ask me,” Jason said carefully. “But maybe she's just putting on a brave face for our sake. I haven’t seen her smile much. And she always walks alone by the lake… but Piper and Reyna are keeping her company often. Thalia visits too. And she has some business with this boy, Magnus or something, whoever he is, she didn't mention him to us, but she's pretty preoccupied sometimes.”

A small rock was immediately lifted from Percy’s shoulders, just a small, teeny tiny one. Knowing Annabeth was coping fine, well at least better than he was made him feel slightly better. Annabeth deserved to be happy, and right now he couldn’t give her that happiness. Even though his guts twisted with a twinge of jealousy when Jason mentioned a boy, Magnus. He made a mental note to ask Annabeth about this guy if he ever got the chance to meet her again. And if this dude hurt her…

But Percy had more pressing matters to think off.

“What do I do, Jason?” Percy asked, his voice tired. He was in desperate need of rest, a long rest. “This whole thing is a huge mess. The council--- oh yeah, Poseidon has a whole freaking underwater council--- thinks I’m the murderer and they want to ‘dethrone’ me because they think I murdered my father.” The words spewed from Percy’s lips before he could stop them. But he could trust Jason.

“They can do that?” Jason demanded.

“That was what I wondered,” Percy said. “Apparently, they can. And I have a week to find out who the real murderer is to proof my innocence otherwise it’ll be goodbye to Atlantis, hello Camp Half Blood.”

Jason smiled. “Now there’s the sarcastic Percy Jackson I know,” he said. His smile then faded almost immediately. “Can they un-god you?”

“Is that even a word? Un-god?” Percy asked, laughing slightly, but his smile faded immediately too. “I don’t know,” he murmured. “I don’t think so, they can’t exactly force me to give up my powers, and no god has ever been ‘un-godded’ before. I don’t want to be the first either.”

“You won’t,” Jason said, firmly. “This council will see sense, they will have to. You are one of the bravest, most loyal person I’ve ever known and you will make not just a great king but perhaps the best god in all of Olympian history.”

"I'm sure your dad would have to disagree, to him, he is the best Olympian," Percy joked and Jason laughed. Percy then sighed exasperatedly. “The problem is the Council,” he groaned. “They want me to find who the murderer is, and if I don’t, one of the council members will rule instead. And they’re counting on me to fail. I don’t even know where to start looking for this murderer. I don't even have a single clue.”

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