Chapter 12: Demon Princes and Darkness

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The sea demon gave an ear-piercing screech that brought Percy to his knees, his hands covering his ears, desperate to stop the screams that were tearing through his eardrums.

Something grabbed Percy's shirt from behind, catching him off guard and flung him across the cave with a force so hard, Percy blacked out for a few seconds as his head collided with solid black rock. He touched the back of his head gingerly and winced at the amount of golden blood that flowed there.

Immediately, he could feel his wounds closing but the pain made him too disoriented to stand. His powers were just as limp inside of him, too weak to do anything. At the state he was in, he couldn't even conjure a drop of water, much less any powers to defend himself.

The three sea demons and the newcomer that had found Percy surrounded him, each one taking turns snarling at him and baring their sharp teeth. At a close distance, the teeth seemed even more gruesome and some were even tinted with red. Percy didn't even want to think about what they had for breakfast.

"It's the new sea god," the first creature hissed. He had been the one to throw Percy across the cave. "He doesn't look like much. Kind of pathetic if you ask me."

Percy gritted his teeth, ignoring the blinding pain and managed to stand but his head swirled and his knees threatened to buckle beneath him. He held his throbbing head high, not wanting to show a sign of weakness, especially not to a pack of sea demons that looked like they were ready to devour him.

He needed a distraction. And fast.

"Manners, Lynoid," the creature that found him said, his mouth curling into what looked like a smile but it was really creepy, having a face without any features except a gnarled mouth. "Hello Perseus Jackson, we've heard about you. What do we owe this pleasure?"

Percy refused to show a hint of fear and luckily for him, his head had begun to clear. "Believe me, if I had known this was a meeting for unwanted sea demons that don't belong, I wouldn't have come."

The first sea demon, Lynoid snarled and slapped Percy hard across the face. Percy gritted his teeth and clutched his stinging face with a hand as Lynoid growled at him. Lynoid made to hit him again but the creature who found him held up a hand and surprisingly, Lynoid backed away obediently.

The other two had remained surprisingly quiet as they surveyed the exchange, clearly wary of what Percy could do even after he was flung across the cave, like a rag doll.

"Tytannus," Lynoid hissed at the demon who had found Percy and was now surveying Percy intently. "Let's kill the boy before he gets back, we can end this right here right now. We don't even have to wait until Vormver deals with him." Lynoid turned back to Percy and Percy could swear if Lynoid had a face, his expression would have been filled with absolute disgust. "I don't even know what took Vormver so long to kill him."

Tytannus reluctantly turned his attention to Lynoid. "Vormver knows what he's doing," he hissed. "And if I were you, I'd show more respect to a sea demon prince," he spat.

"And what's taking him so long? Centuries in fact," Lynoid argued. "Spending centuries in Atlantis, scheming, and yet we've heard nothing from him!"

Percy's blood ran cold at the sound of that. His head pounded harder but he managed to choke out two words. "Who's Vormver?" he asked, fear coating his senses as he waited for his answer.

Tytannus's smile was cold as he answered, "One of the seven demon princes under the oceans. And young god, I can see the question in your eyes. Yes, Vormver might just be the one to bring down Atlantis—" Tytannus's next words confirmed Percy's worst fears. "—from the inside."

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