Chapter 22: A Revelation? Or a Betrayal

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The coronation was an hour away and Percy was getting anxious. Beside him, Rosette worked, no, fussed on his suit.

After Noa's death, Rosette, a petite water nymph was assigned to help Percy. He'd never admit it out loud but he liked Noa and her sassy remarks more. Rosette was fine but she never spoke and it didn't help Percy's nerves.

Part of him was expecting Sylvia to pop in like she usually did but she was preparing for the wedding. It was to be held after the coronation and Percy had been so immersed in his planning he had forgotten about it. It was only until he caught a glimpse of Sylvia in her wedding veil did it strike him. The feeling was scary, knowing you would be married to someone you did not love.

But now he was ready.

He watched silently as Rosette fixed his suit for the third time. It was to be his wedding suit too and he had to admit it was beautiful. The suit was a deep navy blue with gold thread embroidered at the sleeves. The Council wanted his suit to be simple yet elegant, like what a king should represent. Powerful yet humble. Not that Percy had argued about it.

After Rosette was satisfied with her work, she pushed him in front of a mirror to present her handiwork, and Percy couldn't help but smile.

He loved the suit.

He looked... more mature and maybe a little more charming than usual. The light makeup she insisted on putting made his face glow while the kohl around his eyes made him look intimidating.

He looked like a king, he realized. All that was missing was a crown.

"Thank you," Percy said, smiling at Rosette, noting the blush that crept up her cheeks as she smiled back, curtsied, and left the room, giving Percy some privacy.

He sighed. Forty-five minutes left.

Forty-five minutes and everything would change. For better or for worse, he didn't know. He sat back on his bed and slowly, he allowed his eyes to close. He hadn't had much rest ever since he found the secret room.

His thoughts wandered to Annabeth and he found himself imagining what she would do in a situation like this. She was usually the one scheming while he and the others did the attacking. But Annabeth wasn't here and part of him wished she was. He was always luckier when she was around.

And right now, he really needed the luck.

He hadn't realized he had fallen asleep until someone shook him awake.

"Wake up, sleepyhead." Percy opened his eyes groggily to stare at Lady Serena. "You're late," she chided softly but an amused smile graced her lips.

"I am?" Percy asked, not fully aware of the situation yet and when reality finally sunk into him, he jolted up.

Lady Serena laughed. "Relax. You're the main star, I'm sure they'll wait for you."

Percy got up hastily, smiling sheepishly and quickly following Lady Serena out while patting down his shirt to smooth out the creases. He made a quick trip to Naguel's office first to grab something before meeting up with Lady Serena again who then led him to the grand hall where all ceremonies were usually held. He was not surprised to find guards stationed everywhere to prevent a disruption or a sudden assassin from stopping the coronation.

"Try not to trip later," Lady Serena said, a corner of her mouth lifting. "Because you would be the first to fall during a coronation."

Percy shuddered at the thought. "I'll try not to embarrass myself further but I can't make any promises," he said, laughing. "I'm known to start an entire war because of a nosebleed."

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