Chapter 14: Wise Girl, Seaweed Brain

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Percy woke up the next day and decided to screw the Council and what they thought about him. If they deemed him unfit to be King just because he missed a day of training, he would let them deal with the demon threats themselves. He needed a break and there was no way he'd go to training that day.

He was in no mood to meet any of them, his fiancée included. So he went off, only leaving a simple note behind, made an iris message, and went to the surface where someone was already waiting for him.

Nico di Angelo stood with his hands in his pockets, his face unusually grave like always but that expression had softened immensely ever since the son of Apollo had flounced into the son of Hades' life.

"Hey Nico," Percy said, smiling. Nico to his surprise smiled back. "It's been a while."

Nico inclined his head as a greeting. "I suppose it has," he said and frowned. "What's wrong? Why did you call me? Not Jason not... Annabeth."

"We need to talk," Percy said, trying to make his tone light and not add any seriousness to the already serious atmosphere. "But first, how's everyone?"

"Well, everything is pretty much the same since you last asked," Nico said and answered the unspoken question burning in Percy's eyes. "And Annabeth... she's fine. She hangs out with Magnus most of the time—"

"Who's Magnus?" Percy blurted. Jason had mentioned a blond guy named Magnus hanging with Annabeth and his stomach had churned slightly at that. But if Annabeth was happy with a new boyfriend...

"He's her cousin," Nico said and smirked. "And he's dead, he's a ghost... sort of. But that's a different story." Percy tried not to look too relieved at that but part of him felt guilty for feeling that way. Nico nudged Percy and they began walking along the shore. "How's life?" Nico asked softly.

"Terrible," Percy admitted. "I don't get many choices. It doesn't feel nice being a god, especially one of the more powerful gods."

Nico just nodded but his eyes shone with sympathy. "What did you want to talk about?" he asked.

Percy hesitated, thinking through his question. "Is it... is it possible to summon a god?" he asked quietly.

Nico blinked, his only sign of surprise. "You mean summoning a dead god, your father."

"Well, yes," Percy said. "You're the son of Hades, you've summoned ghosts, your sister, even Minos. Can you help me? I need to speak to my father. Even for just a few minutes."

"I don't know if I can do it," Nico admitted. "I don't even know where gods go when they die. They might even be something else entirely, something I cannot control."

Percy's face fell and Nico sighed. "I'll try," he said. "I'll try for you," he said again as if he couldn't believe what he was saying. "Will's going to kill me," he muttered softly.

"Are you two officially dating?" Percy asked casually and Nico went beet red.

"That's none of your business," he hissed but his eyes softened. "Yes," he answered.

Percy chuckled softly and Nico glared.

"I'm going to need supplies," Nico said, still glaring and Percy chuckled softly. "And it's easier to summon something at night. So you will gather all the supplies I need and be here when the sun sets and then I'll decide if it's worth it to help you."


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