Chapter 2: Immortality

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Percy didn't even have time to meet up with Annabeth or any of his friends. After his claim on Poseidon's throne, he was whisked away by a few servants to another part of Olympus he had never seen before. 

It was another throne room that heavily resembled a mortal living room, except that thrones were used instead of couches and gold tables replaced the usual wooden ones. But that didn't really matter to Percy right now.

He couldn't think straight, even his now godly brain couldn't comprehend everything that had happened in the past five minutes. He didn't understand how it happened, how he could suddenly become a god within a few mere seconds. Apparently, no one understood what happened either. Gods swarmed around him, asking questions. He answered none of them.

"Where's Annabeth?" he managed to choke out after struggling to make his lips form words, interrupting everyone. "I need her."

"You'll have plenty of time later," a goddess Percy didn't recognize answered. "Eternity even. This is way important. It's for the Olympus Press."

"I need Annabeth," he said firmly, he could feel himself shaking. He was starting to go mad, everything was too much for him. 

Way too much.

His mind was on fire, it burned with an intensity so great Percy couldn't think straight. The fire spread all over him and filled his body with warmth, leaving his fingertips feeling tingly.

When no one chose to answer his question, his mind went blank and there was a horrible tug in his gut. Before he could comprehend what was going on, he heard the deafening sound of an explosion and his vision went white. When it cleared, Olympus was flooded with water. Percy's eyes widened in shock.

Everyone was drenched, on the floor and in complete shock.

Except one person.

Annabeth flung herself into his shaking arms. Percy grabbed her, holding her as tightly as he could without crushing her with his new godly strength, not wanting to let go. She looked like she had been crying, her eyes red and wide, staring at him. Around him, the gods were getting up, most of them were still shocked at what happened but most of them were starting to get angry.

He needed to get out of here. He needed space.

Percy closed his eyes and immediately felt a light tug at his gut. A small gasp made him open his eyes. He wasn't in Olympus anymore.

When he realised where he brought them, his chest filled with pain. He was in the lake where he kissed Annabeth after the Titan war. His powers had created a giant water bubble around them, keeping them warm and dry and providing them with an endless supply of oxygen.

"We just... vanished," Annabeth said softly, answering the question in his eyes. "I think you teleported us away."

Percy blinked. "I can do that?" he asked incredulously. Everything was so quiet suddenly, it soothed him. He felt himself beginning to calm down.

Annabeth laughed suddenly and Percy smiled at the glorious sound. He lifted a hand to wipe away a stray tear on her face. Even with her face and eyes red, she still was the most beautiful girl in his world.

"I guess you can," she laughed and the smile faded from her face. "You're a... a god, Percy. The sea god," she said, slightly in awe.

Percy's face fell too. "I know," he said. "What was I thinking," he whispered.

Annabeth held his face with both hands and planted a soft kiss on his lips. "You didn't have a choice Percy," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "You had to. It was the right thing to do. You're noble, Percy, I can't ever blame you for it, although sometimes I wish you were less noble but I wouldn't take that away from you."

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