Chapter 21: Mind the Squid

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Part of Percy wondered if this was a bad idea and he shouldn't be here, but he needed to talk. The guards took one look at him and let him in without question. After all, he was to be king in two days.

Inside, Triton sat on the large bed. It felt weird seeing it mostly vacant when the last time Percy had been inside, it was bustling with entertainment and people dancing the night away. Triton looked up but didn't bother to stand. His hands and legs were chained to the bed but he didn't look concerned by it.

"You came," Triton said. He didn't look remotely surprised. It bothered Percy slightly. "Have a seat, make yourself at home," he added as if Percy was just a visitor and Triton was playing host instead of being prisoner in his own room.

Percy sat a respectable distance away. "You wanted to tell me something?" he asked.

"Indeed," Triton said, leaning forward. "First I want to congratulate you."

Percy scoffed. "Don't tell me you asked me here to mock me about the coronation."

Triton just raised his brows. "I did not," he said. "I wanted to congratulate you on your little plan, it worked pretty well. Although if you wanted congratulations on your coronation, which I did not know of, you could have just said so."

"The point?" Percy asked, he didn't have much time to waste.

"I assume revealing the spy was part of your 'big plan' and not just desperation," he said. "Because it worked, sort of."

"Sort of?"

Triton smiled. "After your grand revelation, I have done some... investigating and I might have some clues for you," he said. "If that's what you were hoping for."

"I need a name, Triton," Percy said. "I don't have time for games anymore, I have two days until the coronation."

"You really need to learn patience. You have an eternity ahead of you," Triton said. "Why the rush? You're a god, in case you've forgotten."

"So are you," Percy said. "And if you haven't noticed, gods fall," he said, noting the chains that clanked every time Triton moved.

A dark look crossed Triton's face but it vanished in a second. "My mother is innocent, and so am I. I swore to you before that I did not murder Poseidon and I can swear to you Amphitrite never did it either."

"So help me," Percy said. "Tell me who the spy is, help me expose them, then you and Amphitrite can go free. So why stall with all the talk?"

"Tell me your plan," Triton said. "Then I'll tell you."

"No offense, but you're in no place to negotiate."

"How do I know your plan will work?" Triton demanded. "If you fail, Amphitrite will die, I'll die. Even if I'm innocent, I'll still be executed. You know the spy won't let me live. Nor will it let you," he added after a while.

Percy went silent. He knew all the risks. He knew he had to win, there were too many things at stake. People's lives, the throne, the kingdom. Fail this and he failed everything. He had only one shot.

"You'll have to trust me," Percy said.

"I trusted the Council," Triton said. "Look where it got me. Remember what I once told you? Never trust anyone."

Percy gave a wry smile. "So I shouldn't be trusting you either."

"You're learning," Triton smiled. "I'll do anything to free my mother. I need to know you'll triumph."

Percy blinked. He never knew Triton cared this much about Amphitrite, but then again she was his biological mother. Seeing Hera with Ares and Hephaestus had made him doubt godly relations but apparently, Triton loved his mother enough. "I promise you I'll expose the spy. If I fail, you'll be the first I'll free," Percy said. "Is that enough insurance for you?"

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