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"Who?" Eris asks.

"Didn't you notice the coachman yesterday?" Seeing Eris oblivious response, I don't know how can I prove such soulless man who drove us back to the manor. "I mean, I noticed something in his eyes. What could he be?"

Still frowning, Eris shrugs her shoulder. "I don't know what you're asking about- did he bother you?"

"He didn't do anything. I just saw something odd, I think he's not-"

"Yenaery!" Coming from a less crowded alley, Nesreen hastily run towards us as if seeing us again has made her day excessively bright. "Lady Eris! Yenaery-I'm so glad to see you!" Breathing harshly from her hasty sprint, she looks renewed and unbothered despite wearing her worn tunic. Compared to her sullen and helpless bearing last time I saw her, she looks vitalized and lively today.

"Oh, hi there!" Eris flashes a charming smile. "We really came to see you. Have you already take your breakfast?"

"I-I did," Nesreen blushed. Her awkward retort bares she haven't taken her breakfast yet. With her immense pride, she certainly feels ashamed letting us know her dire state of living in the streets. Who knows, maybe she filled her tiny belly with leftover she had probably taken from the trash-wait, why does it sound like I'm being so mean?

"That's nice to hear," Eris chirped, handing a basket of stuffs to Nesreen. "Anyways, we've brought some goods. And mind you, Yenaery insisted and personally prepared these all for you!"

Giving Eris a heavy stare, why did she have to say that? Feeling a slight discomfort, I don't like it when people became aware that I did something for them. It's something not to be proud of. I don't want them to think that they can rely on me. I don't want anyone to raise their hopes on me.

Chuckling, Eris just winked at me. "Here, take this too." Eris handed another basket of stuffs, it makes Nesreen's eyes to sparkle.

Hesitant to take it first, her teary eyes are filled with shame. "Thank you so much-" looking at me, "Thank you for your kindness..."

Just staring at her, I deemed it unnecessary to respond. And it's not my intention to help her anyway. I just have this thought she looks so thin and hungry and Mozy had been wasting food every day. Along these past five years, I've been living a pampered and abundant life I almost forgot how my life existed when I was in Zadral. It was hellish-all slaves were living like a mouse. Seeing Nesreen, unwanted memories has resurfaced again.

Eris let out a soft giggle. "You're welcome, Nesreen!" Acknowledging Nesreen, she playfully rolled her eyes on me.

Averting my eyes, it doesn't what they think of me. As what I've seen yesterday, the bustling streets of the market are always crowded with lively and tireless people.

"Before anything else, Let's go in the park. I don't like being capsized among these people." Distorting her face with a grimace, Eris hastily headed the way.

Bustling mass of people at the vicinity started to get frenzy, I don't know what made them rush in such hurry they hardly bumped each other just to get their way.

Trying to get away from these swarm of people, Nesreen expertly guided us from less crowded alley to alley.

I noticed Nesreen has been looking at me furtively. Her eyes were filled with curiosity and awe as she secretly roved her eyes on me. She admired the rosy peach dress that I wear. She can't keep her eyes away from me as if she's trying to convince herself that I'm real and I looked too different than what she had seen me five years ago. She's astounded, compared to what I wear before- wearing a light color and a fairy like dress was way too unbelievable for her eyes.

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